Sunday, June 17, 2018

So, how ya been?

I have been woefully out of date with keeping this blog up since starting my new position over 3 years ago. Being an active mom, wife, and skater has meant precious little time to sit at the computer for leisure.

In trying to keep creative juices flowing, I started thinking about the challenge and appeal of the short story. From there, my thoughts went to a book published a few years ago, where an author challenged friends to write a full, compelling story in 75 words or less. THEN I started to think about my ArtPrize project in honor of Geno. From that project, I created word art, attempting to create a visual picture of a person in only one sentence.

For the summer, that will be my challenge: one sentence, daily.

Because I'm the kind of girl who loves a challenge.

Typing Out Loud: Being More Than

Such nice extension... you could be a dancer if you wanted, sweetie. Oh Lord, a professional football player opened mouth and inserted foot ...