Tuesday, October 18, 2022

"We loved you guys, then you went away."

The core adult skaters from the old club, circa 2008

Remember that post, Let it Go, from 2014? Of course you do, click the link for a refresher. 

I skated today with one of the girls from my old home club, and we were discussing the toxic culture there in relation to current SafeSport rules and regulations. The topic of my leaving the club came up. 

I said, "I knew I was no longer welcome when I was blackballed from test sessions. Lauren was so upset that I wasn't on her test panel, and I didn't even know about it."

Says she, "We were all upset you weren't there. I mean, we all looked up to you guys, you were so fun. We were there for adult nationals and sectionals. We loved you guys, then you went away."

"Well, you knew we weren't welcome..."

"I kind of knew something was wrong, but we were so young. We thought of you guys as skate moms, as big sisters. It was awful not having you there."

I just... there's a lot of emotion I'm attempting I'm trying to figure out. I should feel vindicated that we were missed, but all I feel right now is sorrow over the fractured relationship with these kids, and that they felt the pain of us leaving. 

But I also remember the snubs, overlooked at nationals, the deliberate hostility towards us that resulted in us leaving one by one. 

To read my post from eight years ago, I know now that I did make a difference while I was there. But still, walking away had to happen. I mourned it then; I'm mourning it now. It didn't have to be that way. 

Monday, October 17, 2022


Stranger than fiction, 1982 - playing fashion models while wearing a roach clip and one of my dad’s old dress shirts.

Nothing is more magical and awkward than being a mom to a teenage boy experiencing a relationship for the first time. His paramour is a straight-A dancer and saxophone player who is an absolute delight. She appears to be confident, self-assured and composed. The awkward part is our newfound relationships with the girl's parents, who are learning to navigate this friendship/chaperone thing too.

This is in stark contrast to my awkward ass in 1982.

Oh, let’s see… skinny but big boobs, Afro, huge glasses, retainer (a Frankel, if you were wondering), corrective shoes, awkwardly shy, nursing a hard crush on the boy that chose two of my cousins, and then my best friend over me. The only talents I was really harboring were drawing and writing while playing the best friend who held your coat while the cute boy asked you to dance Teen Night at Showbiz Pizza. At 13, I was relatively wealthy, banking my $2 an-hour income babysitting the Schaaf kids up the street.

It’s a wonder to see how confident kids these days are moving through life. 

A year later, looking like a divorced accountant in her mid-30s. 

I hope these kids are having a great time and I hope they are treating each other well. Will is enjoying a newfound freedom as well as an active social life where he's going to dances, pizza dates, haunted houses, and such. 

Thursday, October 6, 2022

Ringo Starr Concert Pictoral

The family that rocks out to living legends together stays together.

He's talking 'bout Boys.

My boy excited to be in the presence of Mr. Richard Starkey.

Banter with the audience.

I Wanna Be Your Man!

Hey Be-a-tle.

Peace and Love! He contracted COVID and cancelled the shows the week after this. Get well Ringo!

Pictures don't do the stage justice. 

Wednesday, October 5, 2022

Typing Out Loud: A Rose by Any Other Name...?

I was on campus the other day, and presented with a rose from an organization called Positive Options. 

And I took it. 

Does this conflict with my pro-choice stance on reproductive rights and freedom?

No, it does not.

When I say I am pro-choice, I mean all choices, not just the right to an abortion. Having a baby is an option. An open or closed adoption is also an option. 

The women that presented me with this gift appeared to be caring, compassionate, and readily available to hear an individual's fears and concerns, and provide at least two of the three options.

There was no shock and shouting. No calling women harlots, whores, fornicators, or worse. 

Make no mistake, these women were pro-life; but they deserved to share their preferred choices as well. 

Saturday, October 1, 2022

October Playlist: The Plastic Strawberries

I'd probably go for the A-line dress and the bucket hat, the stockings are a bit much. 

Here's the band, that's my jam!

So I'm on some alt universe cover band kick where I imagine myself the lead guitarist. This one comes from doing one of those "name the thing in your hand and the last thing you ate" quizzes and The Plastic Strawberries came to be. What smells like plastic strawberries? Kids toys, like Strawberry Shortcake dolls, Hello Kitty markers, and scratch and sniff stickers.

What's hilarious about it is the costuming that comes to mind.  There's a whole lot of cottage core to unpack - think about those aprons, striped stockings, and bucket hats. 

So October's alt universe band will do punk versions of song about food or at least it appears to be about food, but that innuendo...! 

The Brothers Johnson, Strawberry Letter 23 - is it R&B or psychedelic pop?  

Kacey Musgraves, Biscuits - people serve fruit desserts on everything from angel food cake to those yellow cake cups to biscuits. Kacey is serving a message in this song as well. 

The Rolling Stones, Brown Sugar - cooking in more ways than one. 

The Cars, Candy-O - I mean, it's just cool. 

Garbage, Cherry Lips - it turns up on my lists time and again for a reason. It stays. 

Lizzo, Juice/Coconut Oil - a newer artist who frankly kicks ass. You play that crystal flute!

Tori Amos, Cornflake Girl - this is an all girl band dressed like plastic dolls, so yes.

Van Halen, Ice Cream Man - every time Dave gives me grief about loving the pop metal Van Hagar era, I counter with DLR's penchant for tin pan alley. 

Labelle, Lady Marmalade - of course a band dedicated to fruit is going to do this. 

The Beatles, Savoy Truffle - I was trying to avoid the Fabs since I overrepresent them on playlists, but c'mon - this song is George Harrison reading the lid off a box of candy, just to make fun of Eric Clapton. 

Band merch will include scratch and sniff stickers and brightly colored t-shirt dresses because I've seen entirely too many moody black prog rock t-shirts lately. 

Lipstick on the Mic: Christine Lavin

Kind of looking like Grace Slick She's the darling of the folk music scene, the voice of an angel but the sense of humor of one of the g...