Wednesday, May 31, 2023
May Secret Life of Objects: Jesus Statue
Tuesday, May 30, 2023
Why Art Matters: Little Foodie Across the Prairie
So how could I make a personal connection on this trip? The answer was to eat or drink something described in the books. If I could do it on-site, all the better.
These Happy Golden Years: I enjoyed a chef salad at the former Tinkham Furniture Store, across the street from the location of Pa's store building in town. The salad was chosen because it included many of the vegetables Ma grew in her garden and served for a healthy midday meal - lettuce, tomatoes, cucumbers, onions, and carrots. She always had hard-boiled eggs from her chickens to serve too. My only regret was not having her vinaigrette as a salad dressing.
Thursday, May 25, 2023
One More RBR
I couldn’t resist giving it another try, so I signed up for the 46th River Bank Run. From chiro to family practitioner to health coach to physical therapist, I heard “The walk, right?”
Sigh… yes.
Bib and hooray for beer.
Cheered on by Olympic medalist Brian Diemer. I reluctantly admitted to the walk and not the run. He wouldn't let me dismiss myself, saying “You’re out there, that makes you one of us!”
Thursday, May 11, 2023
Typing Out Loud: Trying to Remember Bill
Friday, May 5, 2023
May Playlist: May, 1990
What can I tell you about May 1990? I was wrapping up my first year away from home, finding my people in VizComm at Ferris and at the station, WRKX. Too much partying, not enough sleep. Too many boys but no serious commitment, this was pre-Dave. Some details are hazy but I recall Jeff with the drug problem, the guy from Turkey that declared us engaged after one too many pitchers of green motorcycles at the Alibi on St. Patrick's Day, Marc with a C who looked like a young Joe Piscipo, unfun Fred who took me mudding and didn't make a move on me all night, and Greg from the radio station who took me to Ponderosa before 4 because we were charged lunch prices. I can’t believe I dated him for two stretches of time that year.
This was pre-grunge too, so we were still listening to hair bands, classic rock, and dance music. I remember hanging at Dave Matthes’ house listening to one album after another, not ready to see the school year-end. Same at my apartment, the girls and I stringing together a playlist while packing up to move out. Still bitter we lost the $10 deposit on the fire extinguisher because a couch caught on fire in the parking lot outside of our apartment… like we had anything to do with it.
Feeling That Way/Anytime, Journey - I had a copy of the album Infinity that I got at a library sale for a quarter that was only a little warped. Dina and I would belt this at the top of our lungs.
U Can’t Touch This, MC Hammer - this song was everywhere for a long time in 1990, with lyrics easy enough to shout: makes me say, oh my Lord!
Heartbreaker/Living Loving Maid, Led Zeppelin - roommate Sue developed a thing for Led Zeppelin that spring, which was a relief from all the New Kids on the Block.
Love Song, Tesla - back to roommate Dina, this song was on heavy rotation at 2 a.m. when we needed a singalong to clear our heads and wake up in the middle of writing papers due at 9 a.m.
Without You, Motley Crüe - an homage to roommate Cindy, the Crüe was her band. Is it a better ballad than Home Sweet Home? Time and AOR stations would disagree.
Coming of Age, Damn Yankees - middle America, rural college, wearing plaid before Seattle made it a thing. Why? Because we were cold.
The Joker, Steve Miller Band - another classic rock staple that was always on our playlist. We are going to try to see him on tour this year before he calls it quits. It was an old song in 1990, and it's 2023 - that's... wow.
Nothing Compares 2 U, Sinead O’Connor - Amy (above), this was her breakup song. We heard it about three days in a row. Then she got better.
Vogue, Madonna - we all danced to it.
Poison, Bel Biv DeVoe - we all danced to it.
The Power, Snap! - we all danced to it.
Rub You the Right Way, Johnny Gill - my dad sat next to him on a plane once.
Enjoy the Silence, Depeche Mode - college radio station, of course, we played it.
Crown of Thorns. Mother Love Bone - early grunge, I played it.
Big Dumb Sex, Soundgarden - another early clue to the new direction.
Cuts You Up, Peter Murphy - thus concluding our college indie portion of the program.
Monday, May 1, 2023
May's Song: Victory
Goal: write a song a month, with the resolve to not self-edit or worry if it’s crap. I'm feeling old-school spoken word country and western. I wrote a song called Victory when I was eight years old but the lyrics are long gone, the orange spiral-bound notebook tossed one day when my dad was hauling trash to the dump. I still regret that.
What do you consider brave,
When you're only eight?
What demons are you taking down,
When you dare to be great?
Now I wrote this song, partially, when I was eight years old. Here's the strange thing you learn about fear at that age...
I was a wall climber,
With scratches on my knees.
Daring the boys to play games,
and swinging out of trees.
One of my teachers saw me squinting,
and thought maybe I couldn't see.
I got my first pair of glasses.
And then I saw the grass,
all the way below me.
I got scared.
And that grounded me.
Believe it or not, I was shy. Speaking in class, in front of an audience. So what did that nun running my school make me do?
Here’s the Good Book,
Follow the priest's cue.
You will do today’s reading - one... or maybe two.
So for years at the church, I was a reader, working on my speaking voice, the syllables sliding smoothly into a microphone while my knees quivered.
Now in any schoolyard, you have your bullies. Some use their fist, and others use your mind. Angela did both. She liked to gang up on one girl, one at a time. We all had our turn. This one time, it was because this girl got the best grade on a test. I just… I told her no.
So it was my turn. And I stood up for myself, all by myself. So it was time for another method.
The challenge was thrown,
A fight, she snarked.
Meet me at three,
The corner, by the park.
I remember the fear, the dread, and my blue wool socks that I kept having to pull up. I wasn’t a fighter and yet, I showed up.
She didn't.
Said her mom made her do the dishes. Or she forgot.
These are the little victories, when you are small.
Those moments in life you need to grow tall.
Do they need to be bold? No, not at all.
The time you’re scared and your back’s against the wall.
In the face of fear, here is your fate,
It’s your chance to be you, your time to be great.
Lipstick on the Mic: Christine Lavin
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