Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Getting Through that First Holiday with some Grace

We girls were the masters of goofy dad cards.

Did something today that was harder than I thought it would be: shopped for Fathers Day cards.

I took the boy to Target for swimmer diapers and more training pants, and thought it would be a quick thing to find a cute card for Dave from Will.

Oh no.

First card I see was some syrupy, Hallmark-esque "from your daughter to the best dad in the world" card with gold scrolls, script, birds, bees, flowers and hearts. I quickly look away to yet another one, this time with Bible script. It was a brief nightmare as one card after another was for dads from daughters.

It only got worse with the "best grandpa ever!" section.

I tried to control it, but yes, tears involuntarily began to stream down my face. I made a desperate grab for the funny section, desperate for a laugh.

I grabbed a card with a pregnancy stick on the cover, and the inside gag saying "thanks for getting mom pregnant."

Upon retrospect, I'm pretty sure the card is wholly inappropriate for a 3 year old to gift to his father, but I think a lack of grace will be forgiven this year. And, it's pretty funny.

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