Wednesday, August 1, 2012

August Playlist: Beatles Tribute Band

Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery. The Fabs as little charms for sale on etsy. 

Oh, the Fabs. Have I bored any readers *crickets* with my devotion? I regretfully have not been able to get Will hooked on them, his interest in the movie "Yellow Submarine" was lukewarm at best.

But it's nice to know that outside of my home, I am not alone in my devotion. Lots of acts have paid homage to John, George, Paul and Ringo by doing some serious remakes that are equal to the original. A few of my favorites:

Fiona Apple, Across the Universe: from the Pleasantville soundtrack, one of my favorite movies.

The Verve Pipe, Taxman and Strawberry Fields Forever: TVP is another band I've rehashed here time and again. We've seen them live so often and have had conversations with them, it's strange knowing a famous/almost famous band. When they were in their art rock/REM phase, the first encore song was Taxman. When they were on the verge of breakout hit status with the release of their national album Villians, they busted out SFF at their album release party at the Orbit Room and got everyone whipped up in a peace/love frenzy.

Aerosmith, Come Together: from the trainwreck Sgt. Peppers Lonely Heart Club Band movie. Aerosmith was billed as the FVB (Future Villian Band) and shredded this song.

Earth, Wind and Fire, Got To Get You Into My Life: the original was McCartney doing white boy funk and you could just hear EW&F thinking "Lord, let me take a crack at it." Blistering disco horns and they don't pretend to be anyone else in the movie but themselves.

Siouxse and the Banshees, Dear Prudence: my college roommate Missy was musically all over the map, from gothy alternative to yee-haw country. She got me into Siouxse, and this remake, on the greatest hits album, was a pleasant surprise.

The Black Keys, She Said, She Said: as I'm getting older I'm getting less hip, less indie. I don't have time for that crap anymore, I'm two months behind in reading Rolling Stone and SPIN as it is. How did I find this one? My husband enthusiastically pried my nose out of my Kindle, forcing me to listen. I felt my ear fold in pleasure. This rarely happens.

Rolling Stones, I Wanna Be Your Man: what cracks me up in music snob circles is the Elvis v. Beatles v. Rolling Stones debates that go 'round and 'round. I was teased soundly by my bully Kelly freshman year because she was a Stones fan and I was a Beatles fan. All debates aside, John and Paul gave this rocker to Mick and Keith right around the time they gave it to Ringo to have a go at it. High respect among the two factions, not only was the Shirley Temple doll on the cover of the Sgt. Pepper album wearing a Rolling Stones sweater, the Yellow Submarine in the movie briefly sported a RS banner on the tail. Mick was in the audience singing along to "All You Need is Love" as the first satellite broadcast in 1967, and John was in the Stones Rock and Roll Circus movie. Don't see this kind of bond with The Who...

Pearl Jam, I Gotta Feeling: another one from the hubby, this via a mixtape from his college roommate Stork. Eddie Vedder's voice is pushed to the brink, then he comes back and glides over Lennon's bridge.

Bonus: Beatle Wish List!  This may be a moot point as some of this may have already happened, but what songs would a fan like me want to hear redone by another favorite artist?

Lady Gaga, Eleanor Rigby: would she hone in on the drama, the loneliness, the creepiness or does she disco out the woman who was supposed to be darning socks? I would be fascinated to see what Stephanie could do with it.

Madonna, Lady Madonna: duh.

Tori Amos, Here Comes the Sun: a sweet song that she may twist into something melancholy.

Train, Golden Slumbers/Carry That Weight: this band is moving up the dial from mere like to something more after last year's "San Francisco" and this year's mariachi-pop. I think they would do a bang-up job on this one.

One Direction, I Feel Fine: what? The latest pop candy on my list? Have you heard how sunny sweet these kids are? I think they would turn the joy up a notch if it were possible.

Rush, Only a Northern Song or Savoy Truffle: The guys in my husband's favorite band have eschewed the Beatles in favor of heavier British influences like Zeppelin and The Who. Methinks they protest too much. I throw this challenge to them, and see if they can handle the heavy organ and dreamy vocals of Northern Song or tackle the inside joke directed at Eric Clapton.

Foo Fighters, Hey Bulldog: recent post on facebook states this is Dave Grohl's daughter's favorite song. He is raising her right.

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