Sunday, October 5, 2014

Why Art Matters: Old School Baseball Logos

Collecting these by eating too much ice cream is another post for another time.

Baseball season is in the first week of exciting playoff games, so thoughts turn to old school baseball logos.

There is a charm to old logos, one that comes from nostalgia of course. But having been educated in the school of legendary graphic designers like Saul Bass, I get giddy when a logo multi-tasks. Example would be the Milwaukee Brewers logo that is not only an M and B but also a baseball mitt. Genius!

Another old school logo in this same vein comes from the now defunct Montreal Expos, the E, L, B blending to create an M.

Some logos, since retired that incorporated the team mascot have a distinct appeal as well, such as the Cincinnati Reds, San Diego Padres.

Ah, but my favorite from growing up would have to be the Houston Astros sunset rainbow softball jersey. So 70s it hurts.

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