Monday, December 28, 2020
LHOTR - Sunday studies
Sunday, December 27, 2020
LHOTR - woodland companions
So far, we have seen:
And this weekend, our first fox ambled across our dirt road.
Knowing this wildlife is going to make itself more apparent in the spring, Ace the adventure cat will definitely have to be restrained on the stretches when he comes up to the cottage with us. While he has survived in the wild on his own those times he manages to escape our suburban household, he wisely chose refuge in the garage of a cul de sac as opposed to the wooded areas of Muskegon river.
Friday, December 25, 2020
Wednesday, December 23, 2020
LHOTR - beautiful fabrics
In The Long Winter, Laura sacrifices some of her own pretty things so Ma and her sisters have Christmas presents. She of course learned the art of sacrifice and making something out of nothing from Caroline, who Laura found slipping netted bags of Christmas candy onto everyone’s breakfast plate.
This year, I sacrificed all of my bright and colorful fabric to make 403 face masks for friends and family. I sent masks to 23 states for people working in the front line as well as those who needed them the most. I “won” the virtual adult nationals championship for mask making.
But now, looking for fabrics to create for the little house, I didn’t have any left to play with.
My coworker Lexi, a recycler and conservationist, came through with a simple “what do you need?” And out of nowhere, two boxes of fabric samples showed up on my front door.
Green velvet, blue corduroy, brocade florals, bold stripes, rich and fantastical designs. I’m in the process of removing the hang tags and hangers. I will even use the hangers for scarves.
Like Laura, I’m enthralled, stroking the beautiful colors and imagining how to bring these bright squares to life.
Thursday, December 10, 2020
LHOTR - the rules
Our place is cute and cozy, perfect for the three of us, and sometimes four when grandma comes to stay the night.
But as we become more established and other people start to turn their heads north for a weekend getaway, we see the need to be hospitable and share our good fortune with others. We are already thinking this holiday season of offering a weekend stay at the cottage as a gift.
Another but! How do we share our space with others without conflict? Thus we need to create...
The Rules
Prior to:
Let us know the best date for your getaway and we will reserve it on the calendar for you. Weekend stays Friday-Sunday; weekdays, Monday - Thursday. Not available: Memorial Day, Fourth of July, Labor Day, Thanksgiving or Christmas.
Maximum capacity in the cottage is probably around 6: two in the king, two on the queen, and two on the futon/couch when folded down. There is also an air mattress in Will's closet in case of an emergency.
Pets are welcome, however please clean up after your cat or dog while here. Leave no surprises in the yard or under a bed.
Secure a key from David or Melissa. We will either give you one or tell you where to locate the hide-a-key on the property.
As of this writing, we do not yet own inner tubes or kayaks for enjoying the river. Please BYO flotation devices. This is subject to change in coming months.
When you arrive:
Upon first entering the house, go into the first bedroom and check the breaker box to make sure the pump and the hot water heater are on. If not, turn both on to get water started in the house.
There is an ashtray in the junk drawer for you to use outside on the deck if you desire. Please no smoking in the house.
Cushions for the deck furniture are in the deck box, next to grill. Please put them away when done using so they do not get wet in rain or blow away in wind.
If weather allows, open a window prior to cooking. The smoke detector in the kitchen is very sensitive and reacts to the slightest smoke and/or heat.
Upon leaving:
Do a basic courtesy clean-up prior to leaving: sweep, wipe down the table and counters, dispose of any uneaten food. Wash and dry all your dishes; Don’t leave any dirty dishes in the sink.
Strip bed and put dirty sheets and towels in the laundry basket in the bathroom. We will run it home to wash, no problem.
Please take your trash and pop/beer bottles with you. We do not have trash service here.
Lock up and either return the key to its hiding place or return to Dave and Melissa upon returning to town.
Please enjoy the space, we hope you love it as much as we do.
Monday, December 7, 2020
LHOTR - Done! A pictorial post.
Wednesday, December 2, 2020
LHOTR - Our first holiday, Thanksgiving
A social media post from the Little House museums wished us fans a Happy Thanksgiving, and featured one of Helen Sewell's fabulous woodcuts of a gleeful Almanzo at the dinner table, surrounded by the delicious dishes prepared by his mother Angelina.
Things at the little house on the river were similar for Thanksgiving 2020. Dave and Will prepared the turkey in the roaster, slicing onions, carrots, apples, and oranges for flavor and aroma. But the turkey was too big, so we had to slide it into the oven.
I got the rest of the sides prepared, setting the yam and potatoes to boil, prepping a simple dish of peas, stirring the stuffing, and getting the cranberries out of the can with a satisfying thwack. There were plenty of drippings for homemade gravy too. Setting out a small dish of deli cole slaw, and dinner was ready by 1:30.
Because of COVID, it was only the three of us, so the meal was informal, intimate, and over in only 15 minutes. Me? I had a little bit of everything, but Will and Dave feasted on the wings and legs like barbarians. A quick cleanup, and we were lazing on the couch by 2:30 and I was cybershopping on my phone.
Dave's social media posts reflecting on the day, while overlooking the river were filled with gratitude and thanks for how lucky we felt to be enjoying the day together. I have to agree.
Tuesday, December 1, 2020
LHOTR - Flooring
Wednesday, November 18, 2020
LHOTR - A Sunrise Settee

Monday, November 9, 2020
LHOTR - whatnot! Tackling an ugly shelving problem.
Thursday, November 5, 2020
LHOTR - ornament gossip
Wednesday, November 4, 2020
LHOTR - first snow and easy fridge transformation
Dave wanted to get a jump on the weekend while I had to get mom to the airport, so we did what we do best, and "divide and conquer." He and Will left early to start work on the yard, while I got mom to the the airport and checked out the local grocery store. I was told they have the best prices on meats in town. Pork chops for $1.19/pound! Chuck roast $3.49/pound? We are having pot roast for dinner this weekend!
Tuesday, November 3, 2020
LHOTR - key word: cozy!
Will resting and watching the World Series after a hard day of cleaning.
Our first weekend at the cottage came together faster and happier than we could have imagined. Dave had to work at the bank until noon, which was ok, because Sandy and I had to go claim our finisher's medals from the River Bank Run. Once Dave changed into work clothes and celebratory donuts were consumed, we formed a caravan up to the little house.
As expected, the house smelled musty, as if it had been locked up tight for a year or so. Still, we had gotten a head start on things after signing papers on Thursday when we cleared out the old blankets, rugs, and bedding. So we threw open the windows, pulled up the blinds, and started to move in.
A never-ending cycle of dish-washing. I wonder what Caroline Ingalls would think of paper plates. The books do mention her using slips of paper for dipping hard boiled eggs into salt and pepper.
First, I made the beds. Then wiped down the cupboards and drawers with vinegar and set dishes of baking soda in each to make it all smell fresh. Once cupboards were dry, I unpacked the dishes, silver, cookware, and groceries, taking care to organize things to the point of being OCD.
While I was doing that, Dave was getting the area rug unfurled, moving furniture in and out, and setting up the stereo, because tunes are always necessary.
It is surprising with the three of us how quickly it all came together. Dave was able to make his snowmobile club meeting in Baldwin, and Will and I stayed behind to have pizza and watch the World Series as our first chillaxing evening in the house. And my lovely royal blue fainting couch fits in my nook perfectly, with my spa basket that slides underneath the perfect touch.
Not all is well, though. It's been a long time since we have shared a queen bed. And this queen is bouncy soft. If one person rolls, the other person rolls with them. A harrumph from Dave, and I'm catapulted off the bed quite unceremoniously. After fighting each other for bed supremacy, we fell asleep exhausted about 3am.
Up by 9am to watch the river roll by, and not enough food to make breakfast, we ran up to Four Corners and had our first meal as townies. I got the breakfast with all the meat. Then it was back to the house for more work before heading back to the city.
Saturday, October 31, 2020
Sunday, October 18, 2020
LHOTR - It’s Happening!
Thursday, October 15, 2020
LHOTR - Well, Well, Well
It's fun to hear from Little House fans why they love the books. For me, it was about Laura's emerging sense of self, her gumption, and even her self-admitted shortcomings in terms of her bashfulness and her temper. You also saw her skills as a writer emerge through her descriptive narratives to help sister Mary visualize the Dakota prairies even though she was blind. I love that Little Town and Golden Years were about her courtship but it was also about her emerging sense of self. She even got a place with her girlfriend Flo for the summer to teach school!
Fans are passionate about details such as the recipes, medicine, politics, weather, farming, and late 19th century fashion. A Mennonite family author Kathleen Kelly Ferguson met while researching the path of the Ingalls family for the book My Life as Laura, wanted to uncover Pa's construction secrets, including wooden pegs for nails and leather door hinges. Lately, all of Pa's expertise at digging wells for his Little Houses has become a fascinating topic. Why?
The well continues to be an issue in finalizing our little house deal. The sellers are feigning surprise that this is an issue, as one inspector after another has confessed the well in its current condition is not up to snuff. However I knew, based on the fact the water was shut off during the summer while jugs of potable water were left on the deck and the kitchen counter, that something was up.
The man who originally dug the well has not been answering his phone, which means he is not standing by the warranty on his work. We were refusing the deal until some compromise has been met. A more upstanding well guy has given an invoice for a new well to be dug, much to the chagrin of both sellers and us. Of course this couldn't be easy. And now, no matter what, everyone has to pitch in to resolve the issue. We have struck a compromise and sent our terms to the relator, hoping this issue is now resolved. We should know soon when and if we can close.
So crazy to think this little house is feet away from all the fresh water we could possibly use, but no way of getting it in there at the moment.
We'll figure it out, I hope.
Tuesday, October 13, 2020
LHOTR - The China Shepherdess
Friday, October 9, 2020
LHOTR - stuff
Monday, October 5, 2020
So, What's Next? Little House on the River
Friday, October 2, 2020
The Songs That Shaped Rock n Roll, The Last 28 Years Encapsulated for Your Pleasure
As such, the following is a mish mash of information that has since moved the industry forward. For the best? Remains to be seen.
American Idol and Its Incarnations
Who Needs a Radio? Or a record album?
Someone figured out how to extract music files from compact discs, which led to file sharing through programs such as Napster and Limewire. Lawsuits ensued. This lead to the development of iTunes. Then sharing music became mainstream, and you could conjure up a song as easy as creating a streaming channel on Spotify or finding specific channels on I Heart Radio and Sirius/XM.
YouTube, Facebook, MySpace Sensations
Just two artists need to be listed here to justify these platforms as viable outlets for breaking new artists and new music: Taylor Swift and Justin Beiber. For Taylor, the song Tim McGraw broke her at the age of 15 from MySpace, a social media platform. Now, at the age of 30 and millions of fans and billions of dollars later, she is a complex, introspective artist who challenges the old boys club in the music industry to fight for her rights to her music, her career, and her brand. MySpace, once more popular than Facebook, has now become the place to find new music.
As for Beiber, he was a YouTuber who became a sensation at the age of 16, to become an international star. While I don't like any of his music, this cannot be denied. I'd put his song Baby here.
MTV Still Works
One sneering complaint from my generation is MTV no longer plays music videos. And yet, artists like Eminem, P!nk, and Beyonce have made their mark on the channel with interesting and ground breaking performances and videos that debuted there.
Power Pop
What the Spice Girls started in 1997 with their girl power pop hasn't really gone away, it's actually gone to Vegas and numerous reunion shows: Britney Spears, Backstreet Boys, N'Sync.
I'm Talking About Girls
The female solo artist has always reigned supreme: Adele, Alicia Keys, Billie Ellish, Lizzo, St. Vincent, Amy Winehouse.
Rise of Emo, Nu Metal
And the Award Goes To...
Back in the 80s, the Academy Award for Best Song in a Motion Picture was a frustrating category, with dried up, boring songs awarded golden statues.
What's Old is New Again
The rise of social media has created a phenomena among the kids who not only are looking forward, but embracing the past. This has led to artists whose careers have gone the way of the county fair circuit to get a surprising late career resurgence. These artists fall safely within the Songs That Shaped timeline, but given the current popularity, I need to revisit their status and place on this list.
Why? According to my niece, who is a freshman in college, her generation "embraces the suck," which I think my generation would call a guilty pleasure. The song Africa by Toto is one of these.
There are also popular YouTube videos of teens filming reaction videos of themselves experiencing their parents music for the first time. Two twin teens recently went viral for their excitable reaction to Phil Collins' In The Air Tonight.
Dolly Parton has become a hero of social justice in these crazy times, speaking out for LGBTQ rights and Black Lives Matter. She had a limited series run called Dolly Parton's Heartstrings, which are made-for-TV movies using the themes and lyrics of some of her most beloved songs as plot lines. Peeps are going Dollywood.
Thursday, October 1, 2020
The Songs That Shaped Rock and Roll, 491-500
Link Wray, Rumble
X, Los Angeles
Jimmy Yancy, Midnight Stomp
The Yardbirds, Shape of Things
Watching this video with 2020 eyes makes me laugh, as they are all spread out on what appears to be a soccer field. Social distancing? Very catchy song, and a short-haired Jimmy Page looking so young.
Yes, Roundabout
Never the biggest fan of prog rock but still this is a great song. Fandom of Yes came late for me, as I was listening to rock stations when Leave It and Owner of a Lonely Heart was out in the 80s. They weren't classic rock, they were just rock. Oooh, nice glitter cape.
Neil Young, Down By the River, Heart of Gold, My My Hey Hey
ZZ Top, Legs
This is it, the last song to enter? Sigh, I hate this song. I guess it's notable for bringing ZZ Top to the MTV generation, which was peak career. All I can say is at least it's not Sharp Dressed Man.
Lipstick on the Mic: Christine Lavin
Kind of looking like Grace Slick She's the darling of the folk music scene, the voice of an angel but the sense of humor of one of the g...

Hmm, ingredients for a Traffic Light may vary. Pour carefully. That was quick: the first story found on the internet told the tale of H...
Ladies who lunch at Cye's, circa 1982 This hunt for info may just be snippets. Above, an ad from the Miami Herald for Cye's. ...
More ice cream drinks. Few mentions on local eatery message boards. Ancient diner reviews. A touching obituary blog post about Stuart ...