Tuesday, December 1, 2020

LHOTR - Flooring

The cabin in Kansas, all built by hand. I'm not that clever.

If there’s one thing Caroline couldn’t tolerate, it was dirt floors. So for the homestead in Kansas, Pa went to great lengths to split logs in order to lay a wooden floor in the little house. In Minnesota, once they were out of the dugout, he laid store-bought, machine-hewed boards in place of logs. 

Before: that's just sad. 

If there's one thing I can't stand is having my child sleep on the subfloor of our little house. Why on the floor? Because when we were moving stuff around in his room, we discovered the old mattress and box spring were heavy with mold and mildew: it smelled horrendous. We ditched it at a charity thrift place that cheerfully accepts donations of anything they would find useful and blew up the air mattress we stored in the closet for guests. I imagine the mattress is now used for hunters' target practice. 

With the mattress gone, I emptied the rest of the room and assessed the floor situation. The previous owners left us 10 boxes of plank floor to finish the room. I studied YouTube videos, read and reread the directions on the box, measured and swept the room... and something didn't add up. I recalculated and I thought maybe we could make it, perhaps only short a board or two. 

The start of after: it's a nice start, but I'm already worried I won't have enough. 

Annnnnd, I'm out of boards. 

What would Pa do? He'd grab a buckskin of ginger water and chop down a tree or two. I'm not that handy. My manly man took to the internet to see if we could flag down the manufacturer and plead for a box or two of floor that perhaps was last produced in 2014. I scoured the big box, small box, and mom and pop stores. Nothing.

So, what's next? 

My next idea was to lay a transition strip down and get a dozen carpet tiles. In order to make this work, I would have to remove a total of 8 rows of board in order to carpet 48", or 2/3 of the room.

So I priced out transition strips, and wanted to cry. It would cost as much as nearly two boxes of carpet tiles with no guarantee it would look cool. 

The plank has got to go. 

So we bought four boxes of carpet tiles and will be tearing up Will's room once again to get the floor down and while we are at it, put the baseboards up. Dave bought me a nail gun for Christmas. It'll be fun. 

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