No pic of Maggie's so here's a shot of Santa Barbara
Say wha-?
Joe’s Café was down the road from Maggie’s, opening in 1928. Joe’s Café took over Maggie’s location in 1985. Joe’s is considered the oldest restaurant in Santa Barbara; location change be damned.
But back to Maggie’s. A SB group remembers debauchery up and down State Street fondly. In the late ‘70s, an increasingly restless and affluent Los Angeles population began to use nearby Santa Barbara as a weekend hide-out.
LA Times:
All the town was aflutter when the original Joe’s Cafe lost its lease and moved up a block to 536 State St. to the old Maggie McFly’s, which was too much like Marina del Rey to stay in business long in Santa Barbara.
As a midwestern girl, I don’t know what that means.
There is a chain called Maggie McFly’s over in Connecticut, and dare I say no relation.
McFlying Saucer
- ¾ oz. Mexican coffee liqueur
- ¾ oz. amaretto liqueur
- 3 oz. half and half
- Cinnamon
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