Tuesday, March 23, 2021

LHOTR - Agenda, nothing!


To say I had a bad week is an understatement. So at 5:01, I packed a bag and was on my way up north by 5:15.

Spring thaw came at the exact right time, the only snow left was a snowball sized ball on the north end of the house. We got there in time to enjoy the sunset reflected in the trees, and a cold beer on the back deck. I fell asleep to a documentary of small Irish pubs and stories of Bono “takin a piss.”

Next morning was all about hot coffee and steely frost, and not much of an agenda. I wanted to go into town under the guise of running errands (more on that later), and managed to get a pair of designer jeans for $2 at the thrift! 

This is one of my first trips up where I didn’t pack a basket of groceries, wanting to eat up some of the leftovers, including chicken rice soup from Christmas and my margarita from February! I can’t believe how relaxing it was to be able to take advantage of early planning for a mindless weekend. 

Oh, and I visited the scene of where I got stuck in the snow and ice a month ago. I was actually trapped behind a rock under the snow. I wondered what I had been slipping on, there’s no way I would have made it without help. 

Saturday, March 13, 2021

LHOTR: Looking Good!

Quick trip up north last week to get an early start on our spring to do list and celebrate Will’s birthday. Headboard looks great but the frame and our room is too small for the footer. 

In a closet purge, I selected a handful of clothes as “up north” tops, spurred on, no doubt, by a successful trip to the mission thrift. I’m not quite sure how that may work out since I bring laundry home, but maybe a washer/dryer is in our future...? 

Dave doesn’t remember asking me for a second towel rack next to the shower. But what we did need was a rack in the kitchen area so we could stop draping dish towels over cupboard doors. That went up with no problem, and the color matched the wood panels perfectly. 

The boys put the sleds away and worked in the barn while I put away laundry and planned a dinner of thanksgiving leftovers. I’m going to need to think about spring/summer bedding up there soon. 

Since I have a list of things to take care of at the home base, no trip up this weekend. With the warmer weather, I’m sure most, if not all of the snow is gone. I wish we had a security camera, not to scan the place for suspicious activity, but just to have access to watch the river flow by. 

Tuesday, March 2, 2021

Leadership Grades!

Social media: the adult put-it-on-the-fridge point of pride. 

So I can freely admit I was apprehensive about coming back to school to pursue the certificate in Leadership. I'm pretty busy, and well past my red solo cup sorority party days. The landscape for completing coursework has changed drastically in the last year alone, not to mention the last 28 years. 

In order to prepare, I had to take a series of online orientation classes that were basically YouTube videos with quizzes tacked on. There was a lot of "wait... what?" that went on, as I backed the video up to review the instructions. 

And I found flaws. First, you had to upload drafts, THEN approve to finalize. And I had to upload things more than once if I was signed on under a different email, as the system recognized garlanme but not melissag915. 

But the online option meant I could rewind to comprehend a lesson, attend class from the cottage, work on an assignment while judging a skating competition, and review my textbook using my touchpad computer. I rented my textbook, an interactive masterpiece of learning, for only $40. Kids these days don't know the financial crunch of paying $1000 per semester and getting only $45 back at the end of the term. 

In all, I submitted 24 homework assignments over a 6-week period, including four major assignments that counted for 700 points of our total grade. While I don't think I devoted the 14-16 hours per week the professor required, I was pretty committed to doing the work. 

I have come back to look at my grade numerous times since it was posted on Sunday morning. While I have gotten As in class before, I have never certifiably aced a course like I did this one. I mean, this is amazing. 

Diane Franklin's curls were on point, as was Monique's advice to Lane. 

I'm looking forward to starting the second course in the certificate plan, Collaborative Communications. Dave is excited too, as one of my textbooks is a book he read for his leadership training at the bank. I have high hopes for my grades going forward, if I may quote Monique in Better Off Dead, "I think all you need is a small taste of success, and you will find it suits you."

Monday, March 1, 2021

LHOTR: Project or Restore?


Under $10?! I've spent more on a towel rack!

Will I or won't I stub my toe on the footer?

I have been almost giddy at the prospect of building a headboard for our little house. Do I go vertical or horizontal with the slats? Natural or stain? Pine, cherry, oak? I mentally do my little builds as I drift off to sleep. 

This past weekend, after doing our taxes and ordering new tires for his motorcycle, Dave was curious to see what the Habitat for Humanity Restore was like, having never been thrifting with me before. His curiosity paid off, with mats for the front porch. Then... 




There, among the broken light fixtures and antique furniture was a bedstead. 

OUR bedstead. 

Priced $35 for the set. 

And marked with a yellow tag. 

Yellow tags were 75% off. 

The bedstead was $8.75! 

I couldn't get a couple of 2x4s for that price. All it needs is a little sanding and a little clear coat.  And I got a crystal tulip candle holder for 75 cents as an added bonus. 

But my project? Adios, and I'm not even mad. By recycling and restoring something discarded, we've kept something out of a landfill, and saved ourselves some time and money. Come spring break, instead of working away at one project, we opened our vacation days up for spring cleaning and some time to enjoy our break. 

And the spring cleaning list is extensive. We may go back for some discount paint and more inspiration. 

Lipstick on the Mic: Christine Lavin

Kind of looking like Grace Slick She's the darling of the folk music scene, the voice of an angel but the sense of humor of one of the g...