Saturday, March 13, 2021

LHOTR: Looking Good!

Quick trip up north last week to get an early start on our spring to do list and celebrate Will’s birthday. Headboard looks great but the frame and our room is too small for the footer. 

In a closet purge, I selected a handful of clothes as “up north” tops, spurred on, no doubt, by a successful trip to the mission thrift. I’m not quite sure how that may work out since I bring laundry home, but maybe a washer/dryer is in our future...? 

Dave doesn’t remember asking me for a second towel rack next to the shower. But what we did need was a rack in the kitchen area so we could stop draping dish towels over cupboard doors. That went up with no problem, and the color matched the wood panels perfectly. 

The boys put the sleds away and worked in the barn while I put away laundry and planned a dinner of thanksgiving leftovers. I’m going to need to think about spring/summer bedding up there soon. 

Since I have a list of things to take care of at the home base, no trip up this weekend. With the warmer weather, I’m sure most, if not all of the snow is gone. I wish we had a security camera, not to scan the place for suspicious activity, but just to have access to watch the river flow by. 

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