Sunday, July 31, 2022

July Playlist: Sister Gloria

How many uniform violations do I see? Makes it perfect for the stage! 

With the combination of tribute band shows and the purchase of my junior guitar at a garage sale, my brain got to thinking about what ifs, namely what kind of alternate universe band would I be in? 

Let’s create one quick for a late July playlist! 

In grade school, I sang hymns loudly and enthusiastically. But not well. The solution was to have me stand in front of the congregation and read. What if I got something to say, gravel intact, like Neil Young? 

Enter alt-ego singer/guitarist Sister Gloria. Armed with my grandma’s acoustic, and hiding behind this persona, my set would be made up of great, intimate songs all within my limited range.


Ain’t Even Done With the Night - you've got your hands on my back pocket and Otis singin' on the radio.

Harvest Moon - because Neil sang from the heart honestly and there’s a unique beauty to that.

Lawdy Ms. Claudy - because this song inspired this post.

Beyond the 7th Sky - has to be spiritual.

Dominique - if I’m going to use the grade school principal who yanked me out of the choir and in front of a congregation so I could mispronounce Theologians, I’d better include the single by the only nun in popular music to hit the Hot 100.

Kumbaya - I already know how to play it. 

Love Me Tender - I know this one too, it's like lesson three in my old guitar book.

I Can't Help Falling in Love With You - I can play this one too, and it's at a slow pace, so I can handle it. 

Long, Long, Long - George Harrison says it’s about God, or Pattie, maybe both. It’s a deep track and every open mic night performer has to feature a Beatle track, I think it’s the law. 

What is Life - because we are listening to The Beatles Channel and just as I’m thinking “one more?” George answered. I love you, Mr. Harrison. 

That would cover a 20-minute set. Tip your waitress, my card is at the door. I’m available for private parties and weddings. 

Stage uniform? A spot-on copy of my classic Catholic school uniform would be entirely too traumatizing. I definitely would break the dress code for this. White button-down shirt dress, plaid tie belt in blue for St. Stan's, leave the gray and green Lumen Christi alone. I imagine I'd wear a pair of Tieks or go barefoot because the one thing I hated most in the world in addition to the scratchy gray or green sweaters was the gray or green wool knee socks.  

The fun thing about this exercise is I had been wondering what my goals are in learning to play guitar. Maybe a fictional open mic night set with my alt ego is the thing. 

Coming up, The Wonder Girls and Lady Madonnas!

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