Thursday, September 29, 2022

Post No. 600: I'm Going to be Guest DJ on Sirius XM!

It's happening!

Remember that post back in May where I listed what songs I would play if I were guest DJ for the My Fab Four show on Sirius XM?

I sent it in.

It's happening.

Message above confirms it. 

I'm just giddy.

And we are going to see Ringo tomorrow night. Will gets to see a Beatle. 

I do have the transcript of the audio recording, posted below. My blog, my rules. 

Post #600 should be a celebration!


Break 1: I’m Beatle Fan MELISSA from Comstock Park Michigan and this is My Fab Four. All of the songs I’ve chosen I have been obsessed with at one time or another.

The first song I chose is from my first ever music purchase. When I was about seven years old, I bought the Beatles Greatest Hits 62-66, commonly known as the Red Album. And it was an 8-track, if that dates me and this story! I was obsessed with Norwegian Wood, a song I thought was pretty and sad at the same time. Being that young, all of the innuendo completely went over my head, oh John, you naughty boy. This is Norwegian Wood.


Break 2:

That was Norwegian Wood and this is Melissa from Comstock Park Michigan. Today I’m playing My Fab Four on Sirius XM, The Beatles Channel.

Now for my second song, I’m going back to the 80s, around the time when I was obsessed with the Revolver album. It happened to coincide with a particularly bad breakup. Let me tell you, no one can nurse a broken heart more obsessively than a teenage girl, I played this song for one month straight, or at least it felt like it. Thanks Paul McCartney, this is For No One.


Break 3: That was For No One from Revolver and my name is Melissa from Comstock Park Michigan. You’re listening to My Fab Four from the Beatles, On Sirius XM.

For song number 3, let me tell you to my husband Dave. He is a big rock music fan like me. Only he takes his obsessions even further, especially when it comes to audio equipment. He insists on better car stereos, a surround sound home theatre, and even better ear buds for me while exercising; he promised me the Beatles would sound even better. The first song I listened to with the new ear buds was Day Tripper; it felt like Ringo Starr was playing drums with my heart while rattling a tambourine right in my skull; and I became obsessed with his drumming technique. This is Day Tripper.


Break 4: That was Day Tripper on Sirius XM…The Beatles Channel. I’m Melissa from Comstock Park Michigan and I've been playing My Fab Four today. Thank you so much for having me!

My Fab Four selections have been all about my obsession with the Beatles throughout the years. The last song came about through one of my other great obsessions, the sport of figure skating. Figure skaters will tell you they are always looking for the next great piece of music to pull together for a program. Well, I was leaving practice one day, and this song, off the White Album came on, and the possibilities blew me away - I’m still trying to make it work! George Harrison whispers then shouts, you are pulled then pushed, the drums thunders in, and outta nowhere, rattling bottles. Frankly, I don’t understand why more people aren’t obsessed with this song. This is Long, Long, Long.


Friday, September 23, 2022

Moment of Joy 2021, a lost December post

I just found this post from December 2021 that was never published. It's ok to revisit the accomplishment. Maybe races aren't completely in my rearview now that I am signed up for Walktober at GVSU.

The mailing box where I started to list all my virtual races until I ran out of space on it. 

How many in-person races did I accomplish this year? 


How many virtual races did I do? Too many to count. And today, by completing a 26.2-mile bike ride, I finally earn my marathon medal. 

Like last year, a majority of my races have been on the elliptical. It's my preferred method of movement, as it is the only piece of operational cardio equipment I own in the house. I always check the race before I commit, making sure this method is legit. 

But that's not my only mode of covering miles. I have kayaked a few, walked a few (finding things that bubble on campus for the Bubble Run was a favorite), and when US Figure Skating informed us 5k = 35 laps, I did quite a few on skates as well. 

I will finish strong this December with four more medals to complete the year. I have six more coming (couldn't resist) and I'm going to limit myself to one a month like I had originally planned. 

Thursday, September 22, 2022

Going for the Gold: An Adult Skater at Camp

First day of skate camp! 

One of my favorite people in the world, my old coach Mandy. She's running the SPFSA show now.

I had the opportunity to revisit my old home club in Missouri and skate with a couple of Olympians and a veteran skater. 

I know them! 

I got there early for the Q&A and meet and greet. Everyone got a little gift, which was a drawstring backpack with a headband, pen, and sticker. They also provided autographed photos and a chance to get a picture with the team of coaches. Excitedly, Sue, Carley, and Mo, who skated with Gracie in the past, sent text messages for me to share with Gracie, who lit up at the sound of familiar names. 


First class was power skating with Mirai Nigasu. She ran us through a lot of the pre-pre through juvenile moves, which was a relief since I kind of nailed it and was keeping up with the kids. Then came the twizzles. Still not feeling them in these skates, but I did manage to knock out the beginning of a fair to middlin' LFI twizzle. 

I had the adult locker room to myself on Saturday. SafeSport has its advantages.

Second class was steps and turns with Gracie Gold. She is a darling girl. And apparently a big fan of the supportive adult skating community. She complimented how well I was able to do many of the steps and turns, but saw I was struggling - still - with all that left inside stuff. She wrinkled her face and said, "lots of adult skaters have that one thing they struggle with. There's no reason you can't do it, you do it so well on your right. I think you just need to be cool about it." And I managed to do left and right outside rockers and counters and did her add on challenge when we connected power threes together with double threes and the rockers. Glad to have held my own. 

Axels? No problem...

Last class for Saturday was beginning axel with Eddie Shipstand. First instruction was to hold our head steady doing waltz jumps. It's amazing how well that worked! Then waltz-backspins. Then we did waltz-loop and I was practically floating, until I started thinking. That's when he yelled at us to stop thinking. Then came waltz-loop-backspin. Then he had us do bell jumps, which is the halfway point between a waltz jump and an axel. I was commended for fantastic bell jumps but not to try to pull in so hard, use my arms to help me. Next was bell jump, two foot spin, one foot spin, hop, one foot landings. I actually felt like I was getting close, then the girl next to me landed her axel for the first time! She immediately started landing them like she's been doing them all along. 

Adults skate too!

I woke up to a thunderstorm Sunday morning. It would have been easy to fall back asleep but opportunity was knocking. So I battled raindrops for my next three classes. 

I jumped on A rink for spins with Mirai. This class was a mixed bag for me, too many peeps on the ice for me to do more than a few feeble attempts at spin variations. Still, first camel spin in quite a while, and I managed a few tuck sit spins. 

Next, I scooted off to the gym for off ice technique with Eddie. He ran us through good practices for off ice jump, emphasizing technique, technique, technique. Skipping is a good warmup, and I was surprised to see I could do skips with ankle locking in mid-air. We did quarter-, half-, three quarter-, and full-rotation drills on two feet and I kept up with the kids. Reminder when doing these drills for one foot landings to always land and hop out the landing, least I rip my knees from my legs. He says there's training videos, I will need to find them. He was my favorite surprise from the camp. 

Lastly, combo jumps with Gracie. I landed a toe-toe-toe-toe-toe-toe-toe-toe, and continued to landing combo+toe through the whole experience. Then we switched to loops. When I wasn't thinking about it, I landed a couple of sal-loop, falling leaf-toe-loops, and half loop-loops. Then I started to think. Then she had us do two foot RBO glides into single loops. I FUBARed them. Ever optimistic, she said, "if anyone can do it, an adult skater can!" Thanks for the vote of confidence. 

Patches and rubs. 

With my toe killing me, my hips exhausted, and my knees protesting, the whole shebang was over. 

I'm still so very sore from all that time on the ice. Pretty sure all the walking and visiting historic landmarks in Saint Louis and Chicago didn't help either. I've taken quite a few notes and once I'm not feeling hobbled, ready to put it all into practice. 

Monday, September 19, 2022

Typing Out Loud: Best Dressed?

A tad overdressed for visiting the old neighborhood. 
Cheers my dears! 

In recent years, I have been complimented on being well dressed for any occasion. Baseball games. Dinner out. Skating. Concerts. 

How did I develop such style? 

Public shame.

It happened several times while living in St. Louis, where we are currently on vacation. Dave, lover of fine dining, would inevitably call me at work on casual Friday, to say “meet me at this fine dining establishment!” when I was wearing leggings and a sweatshirt. The maitre’d would sniff and we’d be shown to a table in a dark corner.

The worst was a birthday celebration at The Melting Pot after a Rams game. I was wearing walking shorts and a polo, Dave more or less in the same. We arrived early for our 5:30 reservation, and was told to come back closer to that time. When we did, we were told we would not be seated because I was dressed too casually, and perhaps I would feel more at home at a BBQ joint. 

We ended up at KC Masterpiece, where I did feel more welcome, but the comment stung. We haven’t been to The Melting Pot since. 

A few years later, applying for my silver appointment, I asked a judge who I had thought I had a friendly working relationship with if she’d support my promotion. Instead, she told me I dressed as if I were fat, which she thought was sloppy, and she didn’t support me. 

Yes, I cried. Later, she felt bad and approached me to apologize for being cruel - while she was wearing a popcorn top! - and said yes, she would support me if I still needed her. I said no thank you.

As a result, I have erred on the side of overdressing. When in doubt, a dress will always do. A sweater instead of a sweatshirt. Flats instead of sneakers. Jackets that look more polished than a windbreaker or coat. Tasteful jewelry. Clothes that fit well and are comfortable on my skin. 

Still working on the hair. 

Tuesday, September 13, 2022

Game of the Year

Peña addresses the crowd, applauding the fans' heart saying, "We did this because of you!"

Addressing his team, "I love you guys!"

Group hug.

Picture this: your team is down 4-0 in the 9th inning, you've already been eliminated from playoff contention when your rivals won their game down in Cleveland, and maybe the only reason a huge crowd of 7,400+ is hanging around is because there's fireworks after the game. Do you give it up?


Single. Walk. Walk. And with two outs, triple. Squeeze play and we are TIED 4-4. And with a fielder's choice in the 10th, an amazing comeback win to end the season with a 5-4 victory. 

Pandemonium ensues, with players, honored guests, and a dinosaur rushing the field. Midwest League manager of the year Bryan Peña addresses the crowd to give props to his players saying "they never give up, and it's because of you, the fans, who never gave up on us. It's because of youuuuuuu! It's heart! It's HEAAAAAAAART!" 

We didn't get to too many games this year because of our schedules, but enough to know we saw the game of the year. 

HBD Garrett

We did have two players taking residence in the basement, Aaron and Garrett, so we can claim baseball sons 25 and 26.  Garrett went home on his birthday, promising if he returns to WM, to come back home. 

And they always leave us a shower gel or shampoo. 

Monday, September 12, 2022

Typing Out Loud: Edge of 53, and What Happiness Is

What the middle-aged is this?

There's no denying it - by turning 53, I am, without question, deeply middle aged. And this week started with me feeling cranky, anxious, and fat. This is no way to approach my next revolution around the sun. 

How do we turn this bus around?

For one, I think it's time to shake off the COVID mentality and start working out on a regular basis. Even if it's jumping back on the elliptical after dropping Will off at zero hour jazz band.

Lay off the sugar. Judges' gifts have included way too much chocolate and Daily Deals has had too many bags of cheap jelly beans. Back away, I need my pancreas functioning.  

Skating - I have to figure it out. Between central and west Michigan, I've got to get back on the ice and start working on programs and pattern dances. At least I will be getting back in the saddle with a couple of Olympians this week, as I am attending a skate camp with Mirai Nigasu and Gracie Gold. 

Name drop! 

Intellectual pursuits. Harvard is offering a certificate in Managing Happiness out of the business school and Kennedy School of Government. Let me earn a certificate from the most prestigious school in the nation for the fluffiest of subjects. Let's earn me a Harvard alumni sweatshirt!

Picking up a prescription at Walgreens, I contemplated box color to even out the crazy bleach blonde from summer that was making me look washed out when the most amazing song came on the intercom, Confidence by Natania. Shazamed, I've got my vibe for the week. 

Yeah, happiness. Let's do this. 

Thursday, September 1, 2022

September Playlist: The Lady Madonnas

What do we have here…?

So I post all the time about The Beatles, which can be a bore, so my alt universe band has to be a mashup. Purely due to the song Lady Madonna, this tribute band is an homage to the Fabs and the Material Girl.

Since personas are her thing, like The Ramones, each member adopts one of her alter egos - Madge, Dita, Susan, Evita, All the Way Mae. 

I loved Madonna as a teenager, I thought she spoke for repressed Catholic schoolgirls everywhere. So following the Classic Albums Live format, TLMs would perform in its entirety 1989's Like a Prayer, Madonna's best album. It’s got drama, empowerment anthems, girl group pop, melancholy, family sing-a-longs, sex, and her bizarre fight with a hotel desk clerk. Incense during a must, a nod towards the scents still present in my old, worn cassette. Encore? A wistful swan song version of Music, the point in her career where she lost me. Couldn’t you have grown old gracefully? 

As for The Beatles side of things, hm. I’ve read recent articles about how feminist they were, especially Paul. What songs would an all-girl cover band do that might dive deeper into the catalog? And I want to cut this short, because I think the Lady Madonnas are eyeing new age Ray of Light era next.

Lady Madonna, natch

Lovely Rita, I mean she takes him out to dinner

Two of Us, because friendship

Your Mother Should Know, because moms

She Said She Said, because it’s trippy

If I Needed Someone, because it’s George being a bitch

Roberta, do not pair this with lavender jeans.

Causing a commotion

We have to talk stage costuming. I like the idea of sporting the Desperately Seeking Susan illuminati jacket. And then there was her early street punk phase, because I covet the Keith Haring neon yellow pumps. The Who's That Girl street urchin look was kind of cute, makes me wonder if she found all-stretch lace all the time a little too itchy. 

Lipstick on the Mic: Christine Lavin

Kind of looking like Grace Slick She's the darling of the folk music scene, the voice of an angel but the sense of humor of one of the g...