Monday, September 12, 2022

Typing Out Loud: Edge of 53, and What Happiness Is

What the middle-aged is this?

There's no denying it - by turning 53, I am, without question, deeply middle aged. And this week started with me feeling cranky, anxious, and fat. This is no way to approach my next revolution around the sun. 

How do we turn this bus around?

For one, I think it's time to shake off the COVID mentality and start working out on a regular basis. Even if it's jumping back on the elliptical after dropping Will off at zero hour jazz band.

Lay off the sugar. Judges' gifts have included way too much chocolate and Daily Deals has had too many bags of cheap jelly beans. Back away, I need my pancreas functioning.  

Skating - I have to figure it out. Between central and west Michigan, I've got to get back on the ice and start working on programs and pattern dances. At least I will be getting back in the saddle with a couple of Olympians this week, as I am attending a skate camp with Mirai Nigasu and Gracie Gold. 

Name drop! 

Intellectual pursuits. Harvard is offering a certificate in Managing Happiness out of the business school and Kennedy School of Government. Let me earn a certificate from the most prestigious school in the nation for the fluffiest of subjects. Let's earn me a Harvard alumni sweatshirt!

Picking up a prescription at Walgreens, I contemplated box color to even out the crazy bleach blonde from summer that was making me look washed out when the most amazing song came on the intercom, Confidence by Natania. Shazamed, I've got my vibe for the week. 

Yeah, happiness. Let's do this. 

1 comment:

Melissa Planeta Garland said...

Update: I did earn the Harvard sweatshirt twice over with certificates in leadership and communications by the end of 2023!

Lipstick on the Mic: Christine Lavin

Kind of looking like Grace Slick She's the darling of the folk music scene, the voice of an angel but the sense of humor of one of the g...