Thursday, February 2, 2023

Typing Out Loud: Alt Universe Rock Star Album Cover

Only I would get this deep creating a fictional album cover for my alter ego.

So as I am taking myself through the exercise of composing original songs for my fantasy set using my alter ego at an imagined club while plinking away at guitar basics, I need to have a fictional album available to sell out of the back of the Escape after my set, of course. So I need something clever and complex. 

Growing up, our county beauty pageant crowned the Rose Queen. She would compete for Miss Michigan, who would then go on to Miss America. Few, if any, Jackson County Rose Queens would go on to claim Miss Michigan, meaning Rose Queen was likely the end of the road. And my high school graduating class was one of the first to not have a girl make a run for the Rose Queen title. 

Competing for near-impossible beauty standards was on the way out. 

The crown depicted in the photo is my bridal headpiece featuring handmade rum-pink silk rosebuds, seed pearls, and crystals. In order for it to sit beautifully and delicately on my head, the comb dug mercilessly into my skull for more than 12 hours on my wedding day.

It was beautiful torture. 

Fancy dress parade!

Finally, the title also serves as an homage to the Beatles and the curious day of July 6, 1957, in Liverpool at the Woolton Parish garden fete. This church picnic is where Paul and John first met. But what of the Rose Queen, whose day is now a footnote in history? 

"The first lorry carried the Rose Queen, seated on her throne, surrounded by her retinue, all dressed in pink and white satin, sporting long ribbons and hand-made roses in their hair. These girls had been chosen from the Sunday school groups, on the basis of age and good behaviour."

Woolton Rose Court, 1957

I posted the question to a Beatles fan page and someone did come up with the name of the Rose Queen as easy as you please and I'll be damned if I didn't forget it. Dorothy? Ellie? Cissie? 

I'm feeling a sense of fleeting beauty, melancholy, and being upstaged. I'm guessing I should write a title song about this... 

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