Monday, March 20, 2023

March Playlist: Bob Seger

The long-haired hippie looks surprisingly ok in the midwestern 70s because he's Bob.

WHAT!? In all my years writing monthly playlists, I cannot believe I've not featured Ann Arbor's favorite son. Michigan's blue-collar troubadour. Rock and roll Hall of Famer. And the guy who is all over Sirius XM’s Top 1000 Classic Rock countdown.

There are many stories about Seger willing to show up and play wherever he's welcome. One of the jokes is he would show up at the opening of a garage. On a flatbed truck. And bring his own beer. In Newaygo. Or was it White Cloud?

I appreciate the longevity of his career; although he started playing in the late 60s, his string of hits took his career into the 00s, so I can lay claim to enjoying his music as a first-generation listener. 

Night Moves - critic's pick as his best.

Turn the Page - always makes me think of our next-door neighbor Patty.  I think she played this one daily one summer.

Mainstreet - that sax!

Shame on the Moon - why TF didn't any boy want to dance with me to this? One of the designated slow dance songs freshman year, 1983. Why don't I - wait for it - skate to this? When discussing a new direction, this is on the shortlist as my new free dance. 

Roll Me Away - soul-freeing lyrics: "As the sunset faded I spoke to the faintest first starlight and I said next time... next time... we'll get it right." Yes, I will. 

Like a Rock - I think this was a hit for him in the 80s and the 90s. Truck commercial.

Tryin' to Live My Life Without You - "ol' Memphis song..." Cara and I would sing this loudly and drunkenly. 

Nutbush City Limits - Tina or Bob? I don't have to choose because I choose them both.

Beautiful Loser - I have a promo copy of this from an A&R man I bought at a garage sale, proclaiming this would be the song that would make him a star. It did.

We've Got Tonight - don't need tomorrow... let's make it last, let's find a way... 

Against the Wind - I mean the hits just keep coming.

You'll Accomp'ny Me - How romantic does this rough and tumble guy get?

Monday, March 13, 2023

Why Art Matters: SIX

What a premise: each of the six wives of Henry VIII is a singer in a rock band fighting for diva supremacy and has to perform songs of woe to decide who got the worst deal being married to him. The worst tale of heartache is supposed to win over the audience, us. The choices were divorced, beheaded, died in childbirth, divorced, beheaded, or survived but broken-hearted. 

At the time the touring company was in Grand Rapids (January 2023) this was the hottest ticket in town. I was dying to go again but at best you could get one single ticket, nosebleed, middle of the aisle. 

There are elements of Chicago, School of Rock, and a rock show. As the wives vie for your affections, you go from one favorite to the next.

The cast is diverse, as several of the actresses are African American, as well as Latino and Asian. Each sings in a different genre, from hip-hop to pop to ballad to torch to the downright diva rock star. And every single cast member, from the wives to the band, was female.

The message is one of empowerment, asserting that even if they met their untimely demise, history has remembered their names and has looked unfavorably at their paramour. 

It also turns a critical eye to society's patriarchial tendencies and what a woman has to do to retain some power for herself. 

And the whole show was a serious bop.

I want to see it again. And based on its popularity, I predict it will come back. 

Thursday, March 9, 2023

March's Secret Life of Objects: The Bowl from Lake Placid

Oh! Oh! Oh!

The girls and I trekked to Lake Placid in 2008 for Adult Nationals. It was a memorable trip for many reasons, from Jen’s triumphant bronze in the free skate, Becky coming out of her shell, Dee’s standing ovation, our “go judges!” chant, Leslie’s butt, Burt’s threat to kick a redneck’s ass, Amanda’s hardboiled eggs, adopting Todd, Michelle's hard New England accent while at the “Price Chappa,” and our tourist trap pit stop at a glassworks shop selling moose balls and artisan glass. 

While some of our group was shopping for mini moose and Team USA gear, I was engaged in watching the glass blower. And so was another shopper who got a little too excited about the artist at work, and she narrated the process with overly enthusiastic commentary…

“Is he adding blue? Is he? Ohmigod it’s beaauuuutiful!”

“What’s he going to make? A bowl? A plate? Oh, oh, it’s a vaaaaaaase! You’re amazing!”

“Oh, the colors! Did you see... purple!”

She squealed. She shouted. She freaked the fuck out. 

And she got me excited too. I had started collecting pieces of art from trips to AN and decided I had to have the polks-dotted bowl with the blots that ended up being cobalt.

To this day when Becky comes over she gives exclaims “oh oh oh!” as soon as she lays eyes on it. 

Monday, March 6, 2023

What’s Right in the World: Christina Applegate


Queen of Comedy. Back in the day, I had a suit like this. 

I was in a toxic relationship in college where my boyfriend attempted to make me feel less than because I wasn’t as hot as Christina Applegate who, at the time, was starring as Kelly Bundy on Married With Children.

Imagine his chagrin when I agreed with him, saying “Dude, I love her, she’s hilarious and pretty!”

Suck it, Chad; I recognize a Queen when I see one.

Her characterization of the street-smart, unapologetic bimbo was comic genius, and you always found yourself rooting for her. 

She’s never been far from a TV screen or a movie screen, starring in comedies with ever-maturing roles. A peek at her IMDB reveals many award nominations and wins, including an Emmy and a Critic’s Choice win. She's positively dripping in the show Dead to Me. 

She’s been brave enough to go public with her personal crises, including her breast cancer and MS diagnosis.

Not a lot of pretty girls go for the laughs. I’m glad she does. 

Wednesday, March 1, 2023

March's Song: Retro Crush

Ohh Deaky, why you so pretty?

Goal: write a song a month, with the resolve to not self-edit or worry if it’s crap. Going back to the 90s indie girl group punk, thinking Veruca Salt or Hole. And today in rock history, March 1, 1971, is when Deaky joined Queen - rock on disco man. 

There. It. Was. 
In the pile.
A record from 1980. 

And. There. He. Was.
Reserved and oh so pretty. 

Hey, who's the shy boy behind Freddie? 
Now I want to go steady! 
But look at me, 
and he's in Queen,
And that was so many years agoooooo.

Long flowing locks, 
Sweet shy smile.
Was that 1974?

A sheer heart attack 
to realize that,
I was only 4. 

Hey, who's the shy boy in the tight pants? 
Makes me want to dance! (triangle ting)
But look at me, 
and he's in Queen,
And that was so many years agoooooo.

Feathered hair.
Blackhawks jacket.
Yeah, boom boom clap.

He rocks me,
All seven days,
Jazz was such a slap. 

Hey, who's the shy boy behind that pelvic thrust? 
My heart just bit the dust! 
But look at me, 
and he's in Queen,
And that was so many years agoooooo.

Breaking free,
Afro seen.
Cartoon prints his fave.

A cowboy hat,
This hot dad’s the one I crave.

Hey, who's the silver fox in the jester song? 
That groove hits me headlong!
But look at me, 
and he's in Queen,
And that was so many years agoooooo!

Yeah look at me, 
and he's in Queen,
And that was so many years,
So many years,
So many years agoooooo!

I hope you are enjoying retirement. Oh, and your hit song was voted one of classic rock's best just recently. Be that badass grandpa with the classic bass hooks. 

Lipstick on the Mic: Christine Lavin

Kind of looking like Grace Slick She's the darling of the folk music scene, the voice of an angel but the sense of humor of one of the g...