Wednesday, March 1, 2023

March's Song: Retro Crush

Ohh Deaky, why you so pretty?

Goal: write a song a month, with the resolve to not self-edit or worry if it’s crap. Going back to the 90s indie girl group punk, thinking Veruca Salt or Hole. And today in rock history, March 1, 1971, is when Deaky joined Queen - rock on disco man. 

There. It. Was. 
In the pile.
A record from 1980. 

And. There. He. Was.
Reserved and oh so pretty. 

Hey, who's the shy boy behind Freddie? 
Now I want to go steady! 
But look at me, 
and he's in Queen,
And that was so many years agoooooo.

Long flowing locks, 
Sweet shy smile.
Was that 1974?

A sheer heart attack 
to realize that,
I was only 4. 

Hey, who's the shy boy in the tight pants? 
Makes me want to dance! (triangle ting)
But look at me, 
and he's in Queen,
And that was so many years agoooooo.

Feathered hair.
Blackhawks jacket.
Yeah, boom boom clap.

He rocks me,
All seven days,
Jazz was such a slap. 

Hey, who's the shy boy behind that pelvic thrust? 
My heart just bit the dust! 
But look at me, 
and he's in Queen,
And that was so many years agoooooo.

Breaking free,
Afro seen.
Cartoon prints his fave.

A cowboy hat,
This hot dad’s the one I crave.

Hey, who's the silver fox in the jester song? 
That groove hits me headlong!
But look at me, 
and he's in Queen,
And that was so many years agoooooo!

Yeah look at me, 
and he's in Queen,
And that was so many years,
So many years,
So many years agoooooo!

I hope you are enjoying retirement. Oh, and your hit song was voted one of classic rock's best just recently. Be that badass grandpa with the classic bass hooks. 

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