Monday, April 24, 2023

April's Secret Life of Objects: Freddie and Deaky Funkos

Aaaaaa-yo, Deaky! Where's Rog and Bri?

Back in 2019 when I was in treatment for breast cancer, I relied on musical oncology in the form of Queen. I made various playlists, listened to radio program Seaside Rendezvous online out of England, binged on the movie Bohemian Rhapsody, watched youtube concert videos, skated to Killer Queen, and rekindled my retro-crush on John Deacon, picking up where I left off from the Back Chat video in 1982. 

When it came time to thank the girls at work for helping me get through the worst of it, I purchased the band in Funko Pop form and gifted each member: Carrie got Roger Taylor, Peg got Brian May, Sally got Freddie Mercury, and I kept Deaky for myself, of course. 

Since then, Peg moved up to University Communications and took Brian with her. Carrie moved out of the quad into an office with Roger. Sally retired and couldn't bear to break up the band, so she regifted Freddie to me. Deaky? Deaky got a disco ball for Christmas to hang off his bass guitar, and the two of them keep me company now that I am coming back in the office two/three times a week. 

The retro-crush is waning, and I'm not listening to Queen as much, but I still have a soft spot for John Richard Deacon. I’m personally digging the cutie jamming to Cool Cat in the Amazon commercial.  

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