Saturday, December 30, 2023

December Playlist: Head Over Heels, the Misheard Lyrics

Such a serious band, a humorous video was a big departure for them.


Shoulda been my first clue. 

I am a sucker for a man in jeans and a leather jacket. So hot. Nice 80s mullet too.


I had a very nice moment with Pia in the car while leaving the hockey tournament. Unable to get German pop music off YouTube we opted for 80s at 9. Tears for Fears “Head Over Heels” was playing and she and I sang along, much to my amazement. 

Pleased, I decided to play it on YouTube today, and reading the comments, I scroll past the lyrics: it’s hard to be a man with a gun in your hand.


I always thought it was: it’s hard to be a man with a GIRL in your HEAD.

If I were to include this song in my new “just one line” feature, I’d totally have it wrong because that was my favorite line. 

My heart still wants it to be my way, yet I can verify from the Lyrics Genius app that I’m wrong. 

Random love to keyboardist Ian Stanley, wherever you are. So hot. 

Friday, December 22, 2023

Prepping for The Beatles Countdown

Abbey Road as depicted in Legos.

I took a little me time this week and googled Beatles songs and I found an almost compleat list on The Beatles Bible website. There, they did a thorough job of listing almost every song The Beatles touched. 

Almost - I can’t believe they left off the live album Live at the Star Club, as one enterprising club owner spun a reel tape back in the early 60s to capture his live acts, including the Fabs. I’m particularly fond of their rendition of Falling in Love Again. In searching for it, I found a treasure trove of early covers that don’t appear in the Anthologies or the BBC recordings. 

I ended up with a list of 340 songs!

I broke this list down into four categories: first choice, second, third, and NA. Those songs I love got a 1 ranking, songs that are just ok a 2, songs I don’t care for a 3, and songs that don’t apply for whatever reason got an NA. 

I gave 147 songs a 1, so I think further breakdown, perhaps 1a vs. 1b is warranted. There are 32 NAs, 57 threes, and 100 I gave a 2, so I may have to do 2a and 2b as well. 

This may be boring to anyone who is not a Beatles fan, but this blog is more for me than any audience *crickets.* I feel justified to indulge in my passion as I was just subjected to a lively yet boring conversation one table over, an exhausting dissertation on Big 10 football. 

Tuesday, December 19, 2023

Secret Life of Objects: Jewels from the Mud Hens

A surprise.

Dave had to go to Toledo on business and decided to stop by a Mud Hens game to say hi to a couple of our players, I don’t even remember who. 

Bored with the game, he accepted a program and circled the park to check out the statues and get a beer. That’s when they made the announcement to check your programs for a mascot autograph on a particular jewelry ad; if you had it, you won!

He checked page 12, and there it was.

With time to kill before his morning meeting, he went to the store to see what he could find.  He saw this dainty pendant with diamonds and Will’s birthstone. It was the exact value of the gift card and a surprise just because gift for me.  

Sunday, December 17, 2023

Typing Out Loud: Counting Down The Beatles

Selfie with Ringo, he’s a little far away. 

Talking ‘bout boys

I’m listening to the Beatles Channel and have fallen into the habit of thinking “top third, bottom third, middle third” with each song and wondered why I haven’t done my own ranking of each song from last to first.

It's a huge undertaking and I’m sure ever-changing opinions on songs will make them slip up and down my chart. I don’t want to think this opinion is set in stone; the channel does rank songs by listener vote on an annual basis.

I'm pretty stubborn about what I consider proper Beatles albums, so what are my parameters for Beatles songs? And what do I do with the Anthologies, live at the BBC recordings, and alternative takes? What about Now and Then? I know for a fact A2 version of It’s Only Love ranks higher than the Help version, so I count them both? And what about the remixes for the Cirque du Soliel musical Love? 

Simply, if it’s credited to The Beatles, it counts. Including Tony Sheridan, The Quarrymen, and The Silver Beetles. That means I get to give love to Pete and Stu! 

Hearing a version of The Long and Winding Road off Let it Be… Naked changed my mind about ranking all to ranking the best version only. I really don’t want to have to sort out fifteen different versions of Rocky Raccoon. That means I have to pick a version of While My Guitar Gently Weeps.

Basically, my list, my rules. And I will say I don’t think Revolution 9 will be last. But what will be? I’m eyeing you, Yes It Is. Although Christmas Time is Here Again is in right now and… yikes.

Thursday, December 14, 2023

Secret Life of Objects: Eu de Melissa

A signature scent!

I didn’t do a SLoO post for November! This should make up for it. 

Back in 2011, my parents wanted Will all to themselves while giving me a birthday weekend. I had a bunch of freebies to redeem, so I reluctantly gave Will over to his grandparents who were ready to go show him off.

I gathered up my birthday coupons and treated myself to free makeup from Sephora and Ulta, ice cream from Baskin Robbin’s, a burger from Steak n Shake. It was the 10-year anniversary of the 9/11 attacks so I attended a memorial concert and planted a flag. I even attended the Hispanic Festival and drank pina coladas out of a pineapple.

The most curious giveaway I got that year was a free custom blend perfume from Aveda. All I had to do was find a salon and do a consult. 

What I got was a quick lesson in how to build a fragrance. We discussed top notes and base notes, what my scent personality was. Jasmine! Bitter orange! Ylang-ylang! Vanilla! The consultant was waving around sticks and having as much fun as I was. She blended a bottle for me, threw in a few extras for my birthday, and sent me in my way. 

I made it last as long as I could and when I got down to the last bits, I added alcohol to the oils to make it last. It still smells good just not as strong. I have since picked up more oils from Aveda - lavender, tangerine, stress relief blend - to create another scent. 

Wednesday, December 13, 2023

Why Art Matters: A Date with Jet Screamer

I was thrilled to see an episode of The Jetsons this weekend I hadn't seen in probably 45 years. The episode, A Date with Jet Screamer, is visually stunning and catchy as hell. 

Judy is a big fan of pop idol Jet Screamer. Dad not so much.

He's hosting a songwriting contest where the winner gets to hang out with him and he will perform the song on his show.  Judy writes a song, and George attempts to sabotage her by sending some secret code she wrote with Elroy instead. However...

Judy wins!

And the name of the song? 

And that means "I love you."

It's a catchy piece of surf music, which was the norm in 1962. I would not be surprised to hear it on Little Steven's Underground Garage.

They meet a funny little man on their date. 

Jet asks you to "come fly with me."

In my next life, I want to be a backup singer with rotating antennas in my hair.

Judy is thrilled by the attention from the paparazzi. 

Play that song on the piano, man. 

A date at the Fun Pad? I'm so there. 

Monday, December 11, 2023

Typing Out Loud: Do you, really?



I'm struggling to type this as it is NOT MY BUSINESS. 


A certain someone who was once in my life (yes, an ex) got engaged recently. I smirked "Fourth - or is it fifth? - time is the charm," which I admit is not kind. I am honestly pleased for him since he seems to be chasing happiness, but the narcissist in me is smarting from rejection that is nearly 40 years old. 

Then his fiancee/wife posted they found an open slot at the courthouse and went ahead and...

And what? 

Suddenly, she stops posting, her Facebook account goes dark, and he deletes all posts going back before their reunion in August. 


This particular ex always had one eye down my shirt and one eye on the door to see if something better had come along. He did break up with me during his senior year in high school so he could play the field unattached. Then broke up with me again once a pretty waitress started at the restaurant, thinking he had a chance. The third strike happened my senior year when he was dissatisfied with the - ahem - progress in our relationship, and I was out. 

When I say the fourth or fifth time is the charm, he's been married, a lot.

He has a pattern of dissatisfaction with the bird in hand. 

My inner girl code is hoping he didn't break her heart at the altar. I don't know her, but she seems sweet.

Then again, maybe they are on their honeymoon. 

Then again, not my business. 

Monday, December 4, 2023

December: That's It, Just One Line - She Came in Through the Bathroom Window

New feature, just one line from a song that just kills it. Tells the tale, sums it up, slam dunk, and out of here. 

"She could steal, but she could not rob..."

Lipstick on the Mic: Christine Lavin

Kind of looking like Grace Slick She's the darling of the folk music scene, the voice of an angel but the sense of humor of one of the g...