Friday, December 22, 2023

Prepping for The Beatles Countdown

Abbey Road as depicted in Legos.

I took a little me time this week and googled Beatles songs and I found an almost compleat list on The Beatles Bible website. There, they did a thorough job of listing almost every song The Beatles touched. 

Almost - I can’t believe they left off the live album Live at the Star Club, as one enterprising club owner spun a reel tape back in the early 60s to capture his live acts, including the Fabs. I’m particularly fond of their rendition of Falling in Love Again. In searching for it, I found a treasure trove of early covers that don’t appear in the Anthologies or the BBC recordings. 

I ended up with a list of 340 songs!

I broke this list down into four categories: first choice, second, third, and NA. Those songs I love got a 1 ranking, songs that are just ok a 2, songs I don’t care for a 3, and songs that don’t apply for whatever reason got an NA. 

I gave 147 songs a 1, so I think further breakdown, perhaps 1a vs. 1b is warranted. There are 32 NAs, 57 threes, and 100 I gave a 2, so I may have to do 2a and 2b as well. 

This may be boring to anyone who is not a Beatles fan, but this blog is more for me than any audience *crickets.* I feel justified to indulge in my passion as I was just subjected to a lively yet boring conversation one table over, an exhausting dissertation on Big 10 football. 

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