Amy, I'm with you: we are sooo done with Ben.
It should have been a sign that I got hooked on this stupid show while laid up with a horrible ear infection. The attraction to the show was of course the mom was played by Molly Ringwald.
I've tolerated and forgiven a lot of nonsense in this show. The annoying uber-virgin cheerleader Grace Bowman; Jack's family up and leaving him to his own devices for his senior year of school without speaking to the family that would be caring for him, which led to the Bowman family discovering him squatting in the guest house; the two best-friend twits; Adrian's family moving next door to the Jurgen's even though George slept with the mom and Adrian only wanted to live there to keep an eye on Amy.
I could continue, but I think I have made the point that the writing on this show makes Saved By the Bell look like The West Wing.
Season Four has started, and I have watched with much trepidation. The fact that the main characters are high school students has become such a bother, that little sister Ashley, with little or no parental consent, has opted to be homeschooled BY HERSELF. Tom, the charcter with Down's Syndrome went from sweeping floors to the VP of human resources in a scant 3 television time weeks. Then there was BFT (best friend twit) and her attempts to persuade her parents to let her sleep with her ex-boyfriend by feigning interest in her 20-something boss.
Ah, but the kicker has to be the swinging couples of Ben and Ricky and Amy and Adrian. A scant 20 weeks ago, Ben and Adrian slept together to make Amy and Ricky jealous, even though they weren't a couple. That act alone drove everyone into separate corners and into love.
Monday's episode revolved around Ben determined to propose and marry Adrian before the baby arrives. The kid is barely 17 and has proposed to two pregnant teenagers - I think he has a type... Anyway, he asked her parents' for her hand and they said yes, beaming from a taco stand. The sausage prince (he dad owns the butcher shop) had his driver picker her up and proposed... and she said yes.
I looked incredulously into Adrian's shining eyes, as she betrothed herself to the geek, and thought to myself, "I'm done."
Curtains on this ridiculous tableau.
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