The truly, madly, deeply devout probably scoff at Catholics like me; for you see, my piety and sacrifice in the name of Jesus for Lent was at best, multi-faceted and at worst, completely with my own self-interest in mind.
I set the lofty goal of giving up fast food for the duration of Lent. So from Fat Tuesday to Easter Vigil, I abstained from my usual diet of value menu cheeseburgers and dollar fries.
It wasn't easy, especially with a toddler in tow, whose hunger pains were erratic and immediate. A simple act of willpower meant juice boxes and burgers for him, and nothing for me.
I incorporated this into my training for the 5k and skating. What was good for the willpower had to be good for my health and waistline, right?
I didn't track the results because the battery went out on the scale, and it was a nagging, but not necessary chore. Besides, I wanted to be delightfully surprised when it was all over at how much I lost.
I didn't notice much difference in the way my clothes fit, but I was getting compliments left and right, which of course pleased me. Piety and getting fit!
So I finally got a battery day after Easter, smugly bypassing all the half-off candy and treats available. I went home and slipped the disc in to scale.
Five pounds... heavier. Nice.
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