Training for the 5/3 River Bank Run has been a constant since November, when I was initially challenged to do the 5k. I'm not sure what I've learned about myself in the last 6 1/2 months as I prepared for the run.
The negatives: I still don't like running; my times didn't improve that much; preparing for this forced me to judge myself in a way that brought back negative self-esteem issues from my teen years; I didn't drop any weight; and I think I may have driven everyone crazy talking about it as I think I have worked like a dog to psych myself up for this event.
The positives? I went from huffing through a half-mile to huffing through the 3.1. I'm accomplishing something I never would have thought possible at 14, let alone 41. I'm bold enough to try a new sport, even having to grapple with the timid, self-esteem issues that tend to freeze me in my tracks. I did it alone, self-motivated, with only the training guide to assist me and the occasional email from an old school friend.
So what's on board for May 15?
I'm going to see how I feel about running after this. Figure skating coach Michelle wants me to continue, citing amazing skating results. And I like having another sport to fall back on. But I dropped my swim in favor of treadmill work, and I miss the water, esp. with summer coming.
But there's more than just athletic endeavors to consider. Fast approaching is the deadlines to apply to participate in ArtPrize and connect with an exhibitor. None of my three prospects from last year are participating, so I have to start new.
And what to make? I have several ideas sketched out, but I also have the paintings that are currently on exhibit at the Leep Gallery that can be used.
These are pleasant conundrums to have, and in addition to watching the boy grow, makes for an interesting summer.
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