Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Typing Out Loud: A Few of My Favorite Things

The question isn't "why would a 42 year old woman want this?" The question is, "how do I get one?!"

I think the original concept for Oprah's "Favorite Things" show was to go shopping with her girls and spend/write off/get corporate sponsorship to give away scads of awesome stuff.

I don't have a studio audience, but I have a random, "typing as I think" list of stuff I love.

The world of Hello Kitty: I could have cared less about Barbies or teen idols growing up, but would spend my last dime on the pastel knick knacks from Japan. Of all the characters, Little Twin Stars, the twin angels in pastel pinks and blues were my favorite. Did I carry LTS wallet and purse well beyond the age I should have? I don't care.

Detroit Tigers: I loved going to Tigers games as a kid. At first it was for the giveaways - raincoats! hats! mini bats! oversized pencils with tassels! Then it was for the game. I remember the thrill of seeing Tiger icons like Mark Fidrych and Lance Parrish, but also rooting for those guys who were up for a cup of coffee like Scottie Earl and Max St. Pierre. Highlights of course were the Bird years and the World Series runs of '84 and '06.

Thrifting: I mentioned back in October the methods by which I thrift, but never why I enjoy it. For one, it's effective recycling. Two, it's insanely economical: I bought a whole wardrobe for Will today for $6, or the retail cost of one shirt at Target. Three, it's helping a good cause, as most thrift stores in the area are non-profit organizations. Four, by taking things I no longer want to resale shops, is now self-sustaining.

Sugar snap peas: so good, so sweet, I love them alone as a snack or tossed in a salad. I will ask for extras in chinese food. I will decimate a bowl on the buffet line.

Victoria's Secret Dream Angels Divine: it's scent is a soft jasmine with a hint of warmth. It's as close as I have gotten to finding the original Love's Baby Soft Soft Jasmine.

Bath and Body Works Night Blooming Jasmine: this is a close second.

Baskin Robbins Daiquiri Ice: the original recipe is BACK! A long-standing tradition in my family was waiting for the freebies to come around your birthday. There was the Burger King Kids' Club coupons as mentioned in the LIW post, then there was the Baskin Robbins birthday postcard, a smiling cartoon kid with a stacked ice cream cone, wishing you a happy birthday and presenting you with a free cone. I usually got bubble gum or daiquiri ice. To a 10 year old, ordering a daiquiri sounded sophisticated, but it was the tart lemon/lime that i loved. And that icy green color was just gorgeous. Thank God the company came to their senses and got rid of the yellowy green salty crap concoction they dreamed up to replace it. In 1986, Coca Cola fans had their New Coke war; daiquiri ice fans waged their battle in 2008. And we won.

Facebook: I hope that doesn't sound lame, but I have friends truly all over the world and facebook helps me keep tabs. I've been able to reconnect with old friends from high school and college.

Jackson Coney Dogs: several of the iconic coney joints in Jackson have gone by the wayside: Todoroff's and Christoff's to name a few. Oh, but thank goodness for Jaxon Pizza Factory, Andy's Pizza and Jackson Coney Island for keeping the tradition alive. All you need is chili (beef heart and chili powders, I do know the secret), the boiled dog, the steamed bun, slip of mustard and finely chopped onions. Paradise on a bun.

Freebies: My husband jokes that Grand Rapids' favorite word is "free" and I resemble that remark. I'm like a little kid, and love the feeling that I'm getting some sort of little present from someone, even if it's a corporate entity. From a marketing standpoint, I see the value in giving away samples of your wares to encourage people to try and see if they will like. I have become a consumer of goods like Pantene and Dove because of freebies. My favorite mail order place, Yves Rocher, keeps me coming back when they give me a bottle of perfume for my birthday every year, I LOVE that.

This was fun to type, I will try it again soon!

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