Sunday, August 14, 2011

Liquid Gold, 2011 - vote up 54111

Well, it's almost done. With the exception of redoing the drape at the waist and the framing, the heart of the painting is done. Now, I need to hash out what the artist statement and promotional material will say. I need it to be under 2 minutes for the audio guide.

"Liquid Gold was inspired by my child, who was born 3 months premature. Being so tiny, he needed all the additional help he could get, including providing him with vital nutrients via breast milk. Seeing him thrive, my husband nicknamed the milk Liquid Gold and Rocket Fuel.

The background colors of lavender, purples, pinks and reds are reflective of the feminine subject matter. The bold strokes and figure style were inspired by Picasso and Keith Haring. I purposely created a nurturing figure that is universally identifiable, across nationalities. The curly hair is me.

Special thanks to the Healthy Kent Breastfeeding Coalition."

Looking forward to another season of ArtPrize!

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