Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Typing Out Loud - Lent, again

So much for these...

Lent starts tomorrow, and at the same time, March Madness started at the Y yesterday. Ongoing is the Biggest Loser challenge at work. I'm bringing up the rear at work I'm sure, because as of this morning, I'm only down 3 pounds compared to everyone else who has dropped insane amounts of weight. I hate to say I'm not that worried about BL, I'm eyeing the completion of the Y challenge and gearing up for the 5/3 5k in May and Adult Nationals in April.

Working on the program for Adult Mids. Anticipating this to be a very fun event, and hopefully we can show everyone a great party.

Cara sent me a tough love box, and she sent a gray sweater that I'm currently loving. Also a hot pink spring jacket. I've got a few items to weed out, I think end of winter is a good purge time.

I'm thinking about writing some poetry, The Cad and the Innocent. Will be interesting as poetry isn't usually my thing, but the story as it is fleshing out in my head begs for impressionistic, and not literal, translation.

Here at work, was seduced by a packi. Or two. I ate one with relish but another is sitting here with a couple bites out of it. I may just scoop out the filling.

I just scooped. Cheese filling. With 1 1/4 packi eaten, I have in all likelihood matched as much sugar as I've taken in over the last week. I'm going to get a headache.

Desperate for something clever to say, I got nothing. Not really true, I suppose I should reflect on what Lent means, as opposed to a second-chance at starting a new diet.

Also, asked by US Figure Skating to be interviewed for the magazine again. Lexi, head of the adult committee, was intrigued by the pre-bronze for life members champagne pass. I will share my story here later once I fill in some details, add some quotes. Since this is my second go-around in the mag, and I'm not exactly Michelle Kwan note-worthy, I want to be sure to name-drop the people who influence me and were there along the way. I also have a great toast from Burt in 2005 that I want to share.

Song going through my head, "Circle Sky" by the Monkees. Thump that bass Peter Tork! Dear God, I'm on a kick again. At least I have the kid on the trip with me. I showed him clips of the show on youtube and he thinks it's a laff riot.

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