Thursday, July 19, 2012

Typing Out Loud pt.2:"You're Not Plus-Size Anymore"

I can't believe it. After years of dieting, beating myself up, trying most anything that might work, "it's" finally working.

I have lost 20 pounds.

How'd I do it? Well, I think it first started with "the diagnosis." My previous sugar number was 6.6, or in the range of a pre-diabetic. I was confident that after having eliminated french fries and sugared soda and theater boxes of sweets that it would easily be under control. I also had a variety of activity to "prove" to my doctor I was working on it: skating, running 5ks, swimming.

Then the number came back: 8.0: diabetic.

I got mad. WTF else was I supposed to do!?

Then I laid down the law and took a frank look at what I had been doing. All too often I would rely on a quick McD's stop for lunch, a bag of "healthy" chips for dinner, dismissing it as "only 37 carbs," not thinking of the empty calories. Even then, I slipped on the carb counting a few times, lapsing into bad habits for a day or two, then a week, then a month.

I also looked at my activity at the Y. I went to a class here and there, did a little bit on the treadmill, swam for fun. I certainly wasn't getting my money's worth.

It was time for change. It was time for a real challenge.

First thing to do was eliminate fast food and replace it with GOOD food. Ok, I concede to the occasional Subway and Taco Bell, but it's been a looooooong time since I've made McD's, BK and Wendy's routine. Carrots instead of candy. I also learned how to make kale chips.

I also altered the diet so there were more vegetables consumed. This meant more casserole type dishes where the meat was part of but not the main focus of the meal. More salads. Less pasta, bread, carbs.

Snacking changed too. I would stick a yogurt in the freezer for a frozen dessert - Yoplait Whips are awesome this way. Being a salty snacker, I went the nuts and kale chips route. Also veggies and dip.

And then there was Biggest Loser contest at work for motivational help.

Workout-wise, the March Madness challenge was a godsend. I found new exercises I like, new classes I like, new challenges that keep me from being bored, and a new confidence in myself as an athlete. I remember the first time I climbed on the scale, thinking "what the hell" and was stunned to see 3 pounds gone. That joy columnated in the number I saw today.

And thank God for the recall on my old iPod so I could trade it in and rock the latest generation nano that clips on my clothes and holds 12 times the content and 12 times the charge.

My friend Dan paid me one of the sweetest compliments: "I like how you're doing this. All this time you have talked about working out and eating habits. Not once have you mentioned a pill, a shake or a fad diet." It's a comfort to know I did it the right way as opposed to giving myself a complex or fell into disordered eating.

Some skating coaches who haven't seen me in a year exclaimed this weekend at my new look. I bashfully said something about the challenge of shopping and worrying about clothes that fit and flatter as opposed to being covered. They ackowledged the challenge as I plucked self-consciously at my clothes, saying bluntly "you're not plus-size anymore."

To some, 20 pounds may not seem like a big deal. But I've been fighting to lose weight since I sprouted a tumor on my thyroid when I was 23. As a matter of fact, this is the first time I've lost ANY significant weight since college in 1990. I'm also fighting against the forces of PCOS, diabetes and my heritage, so this little victory is a big deal.

Next goal is to lose 9 more pounds by my birthday, September 15. That's 6+ weeks, not sure I can do it without some drastic changes. I still want to do this the healthy way, and that is more important than mere pounds shed.


Diana T. said...
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Diana T. said...

congratulations!!!! Way to go :-)

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