Wednesday, April 16, 2014

What Art Matters: Putting Together a Skating Program

Me, coupled with inspiration.

So I just got back from the 2014 USFSA Adult Figure Skating Championships. I performed three well thought out and, IMHO, creative programs. While I didn't win any medals, it was beside the point. I make a case for, and will explain the creative process behind my artistic/dramatic entry, That's What Friends Are For.

A year ago, I was pouting in the car on a trip back home that I was missing the adult skating party of the year since I elected not to compete. Via text and facebook posts, friends kept me up to date on the various happenings. a few even contemplated what measures should be taken to celebrate the milestone anniversary, as we were coming up on the competition's 20th.

While musing over those photos, I said aloud, "There's plenty of icons in the sport that have been honored, like Jay doing Michelle Kwan. Adult skating has a long enough history that we have our own icons, like Larry doing his triples and Amy's Bolero program. And then there's Wendy Bears..."

Wendy, center above, is a long time adult skating competitor who knits tiny sweaters that she puts on tiny bears and then tosses them out on the ice at the conclusion of a routine. (Skating tossies should be their own WAM, perhaps next year...) To get a bear is a huge honor. There are some skaters that have never, ever received one. I received my first at the conclusion of my first competitive program, at my first ANs (Adult Nationals) in 2005.

A Wendy Bear as an icon of adult skating. The idea sprang fully formed - skate AS a Wendy Bear! The song came quickly to mind as well, That's What Friends Are For, a group sing by Dionne Warwick, Elton John, Stevie Wonder and Gladys Knight, four singers in perfect harmony.

I approached Michelle with the idea, whose choreography was intricate and worked with the nuances of the song as well as the emotion I wanted to convey.

My original plan was to get a bear costume at a Halloween shop. This idea fell through when you could only find sexy bear costumes (seriously, what?). Instead, I went with leggings, leg warmers, a bear hat and a green sweater with AN 2014 cross stitched in white.

Hoping for secrecy, I told very few people about the program until Nationals. Then there was a group effort to make sure Wendy was in the stands for the program.

When I skated out for the warm up, the cheers in the stands were audible. I was told during the performance, there was barely a dry eye in the house. I was mobbed afterwards by skaters who wanted a picture with the real live Wendy Bear, and most importantly, Wendy herself.

Not one for tears or sentiment, she nonetheless embraced me in at least 4 bear hugs, saying it was so touching, so amazing. And... it placed 14th. I was disappointed, but when people started saying it was their favorite program of the competition, I can hardly pout.

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