Sunday, August 24, 2014

What's Right with the World: Summer Resolutions, the Results

I got dirty.

I cannot believe Will is heading to school next week, a clear indicator that summer is almost over. At the beginning and over the course of the summer, I made a few resolutions.

So how'd I do?

In May, I resolved to not go shopping for the summer and instead use what I had in my closet. Outside of one trip to H&M and one 4th of July sale, I managed to stay out of stores until last night. I broke the vow in pursuit of fall and winter jackets for Will, getting him ready for school. It was great to be forward thinking and I nabbed him two jackets for $12. Since my ban was over, I managed two shirts for myself as well. Maybe it was because Will was with me, but I found I was less tolerant of combing racks for a good deal and was willing to pay a little extra for a fabulous top instead of sticking to the strict "69 cent Saturday madness." I'm content with what I added to my wardrobe and have no burning desire to go on any sprees. But I reserve the right to change my mind once the urge for sweaters hits.

The summer was also supposed to be devoted to a triple threat: skating, training for the half marathon in October and completing the Summer Sweat Challenge.

Hm. Results from this is a mixed bag since I had surgery end of July and was in pain the whole month of July leading up to it.

Luckily, I missed very little skating as a result; however the skating before the surgery was compromised, and the three weeks after was nothing more than stroking, dancing and working on turns. The bonus was turns clinics I haven't done in forever, and the result was getting all my forward rockers, learning to be comfortable with the counters as well as choctaws. What sucked is not spinning ro jumping for a month, and losing ground on getting programs put together.

Training for the half marathon... *sigh* this was an all and out fail. I did run a few races this summer, the Deimer Donut 5k, the Rx Run, the Color Run and the Sniff out Sugar 5k. What resulted was weird pain that shot through my ovaries, up my abs and down my inner thighs while wrapping around my hips. WTF? I lost ground during all of this, sometimes even taking a flash nap in the afternoon. I never nap. Instead of increasing my miles, I was doing only 1-2 miles at a time. Post-surgery, Dave asked me to withdraw from the half. I was already 3 week behind in training, with the promise I would be 6 weeks behind once I was given clearance by the doctor to resume normal activities. I transferred my entry from the 13.1 to the 5 last week.

How did I know I was that far behind? Look no further than the Summer Sweat Challenge. SSC is a 10 week endurance race pitting you against other Y members in categories of strength, workout, endurance, activity and community. I struggled with some of the easiest challenges, feeling defeated instead of invigorated. BUT at last look, I was in second place heading into the last week, me and Barry in a league all our own. Not bad for a gal who was in and out of ERs and surgery in July -- thank God for those "eat vegetables and give up pop" weeks to stay in the game!

So, the surgery. There are complications that arise when one has PCOS and is heading into her menopause years. Body does strange things. Wreaks havoc with your melon too.

In response to the self esteem beating I have taken, I responded with the post below this, a month of "you go girl!" Eh, some days I struggled to come up with more than a shallow "you rock" but other days I woke with a "hey, you got all your jumps back yesterday" or "good job handling the crisis at work" or even a "lick your wounds and get on with it." Nice to know I'm capable of getting on with it.

Bring it on, autumn.

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