Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Typing Out loud: the Guilty Pleasure of Fast Food

Seriously, this list could begin and end with this place if it were still open.
It had the burger, crinkle cut fries, phosphates and sundae.

Since my diet transformation, fast food and drive thru dining has gone from a staple to a treat reserved for only once a week at best.

Has a change in diet changed my palette? Sadly, no. Every bite seems to hit the dopamine receptors in my brain, a swirling euphoria of sugar, salt, fat and beef.

Why is that? For me, it's about being a lazy cook. There's nothing more pleasurable than thinking "I'll just go pick something up," and have dinner, hot 'n ready, 3 minutes later. When I was a kid, fast food was a "treat" doled out strictly on mom's payday, the usual choices being the Burger Chef kid's meal - I still remember putting the racing stickers on my strap on skates.

Also, businesses were fighting a little more fierce for mom and dad's dollars, and did so by being very generous. I remember getting my Burger King kid's club coupons in the mail, along with my free cone birthday card from Baskin Robbins. Trips to the Orange St. library were based on the availability of Little House books and free french fry coupons.

So what is the best of the best IMHO?

Best burger: A Steak n Shake double steak burger. The SnS is most like the Dome/Schlenker's from back home and oooh, those pickles.

Wendy's came off this list because they messed with my pickles, changing the dills to a bread n' butter hybrid. I say nay Mr. Thomas! Also off the list is the BK Whopper, at one time a favorite that has lost its luster due to high calories and poor customer service.

Best fries: Any place with crinkle cut fries. I'm looking at you Culver's.

Best drink: Sonic diet limeade + flavor, a recent love is lemon berry. The key is the fresh fruit. The treat is happy hour when you can get a 44oz for a buck and some change.

Best value meal: KFC with original recipe chicken breast, cole slaw, mashed potatoes and biscuit. Almost too much food. The slaw is the closest to my grandmother's without being exact.

Best value menu item: Taco Bell Fresco taco. That is a whole lotta flavor for chump change.

Best alterna-sandwich: The eat fresh menu at Subway, a cornucopia of fresh flavors and best of all, spinach instead of lettuce.

Best ice cream treat: I am not much of an ice cream eater, but I cannot bring up the nostalgia of fast food without acknowledging a treat from my past, the Tiny Tot Sundae from The Dome. The best was the raspberry with whipped cream and nuts. It was the perfect size with the perfect blend of flavors from first bite to last.

Best snack: A three way tie between fresh squeezed lemonade, Junior Mints and nachos. Lemonade at the ballpark can be altered to your preference - I get half the sugar, twice the lemon. Nachos, you can tell them not to be shy with the jalapeƱos. And Junior Mints are just Junior Mints.

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