Tuesday, August 11, 2020

The Songs That Shaped Rock and Roll, 141-150

Imagine being this cool

Bob Dylan, Blowin' in the Wind, Like a Rolling Stone, Subterranean Homesick Blues, Tangled Up in Blue, Times They Are a' Changin'
I'm not a Dylan fan, but I cannot deny his influence. Of the songs listed here, Tangled Up in Blue and Blowin' in the Wind stay with me.

The Eagles, Hotel California, Take It Easy
My old roommate Cara loves, loves, loves this band; I however, am lukewarm to the golden California sounds. Take It Easy is so iconic, there is a statue of a flatbed Ford on a corner in Winslow, Arizona. I don't get what is so magical about Hotel California either. Give me Take it to the Limit anytime, because I've always been a dreamer.

Duane Eddy, Rebel 'Rouser
Usually used in nostalgia movies during a chase scene. I think it was used in The Sandlot and Stand By Me. It's pretty cool.

Eurythmics, Sweet Dreams
Another of the epic new wave acts of the 80s whose appeal has endured. Recent remixes of this song prove how groundbreaking it was and how cool it still is.

The Everly Brothers, All I Have to Do is Dream
There's a reason Paul and John aspired to be like the Everly Brothers, their harmonies are like butter. Incredibly sweet but not sugary.

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