Sunday, August 15, 2021

LHOTR - Perseid Shower


I went out, for the second night in a row, to catch a glimpse of shooting stars, a common phenomena this time of year. Like the 3D posters of the 90s, you have to feel like you are looking through the sky, not at it, in order to open your consciousness to see them. 

Last night, I thought I was victorious right away, but it was an airplane, high above, no doubt one of the international red eyes bound for Tokyo from Toronto or New York to Vancouver. I did see a couple streaks across the sky and chilled and mosquito bitten, decided to try again the next night.

Tonight yielded a few sightings, but craning my neck while distracted by the neighbor’s flickering campfire, called it a night as well.

To be honest, nothing could quite compare to star gazing in August, 1993. That was when my coworker Kay invited me and Kathy over to her little place to watch the stars after our second shifts at Walgreens. 

No boys, no party, just the three of us in chaise lounges drinking wine, talking about life, while occasionally exclaiming “look at that!” We we’re all at crossroads in our life, graduating from college or engaged, wondering what was next on the horizon. But that night, at 3am, we knew at least that horizon was serving up a little bit of magic. 

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