Tuesday, November 2, 2021

#500! Why Art Matters: Saving the Cassettes

How we come full circle. 

Back in 2008 when I decided to start this blog as a creative outlet, I was going to do reviews of the old cassettes in the basement, as I still owned a car with a cassette deck. 

Fitting that for the 500th post, I am talking about music, and going back to my cassettes, many of which are still in the basement, slowly dry-rotting from not being played. 

That won't do. So I splurged on a tape-to-MP3 converter to see if I could rescue the recordings. 

This experiment is a mixed bag. The fact is, the recording is only as good as your tape's quality. I tried first to record Paul McCartney's Unplugged, which features one of my favorite versions of Here, There, and Everywhere. It turned out pretty ok. 

Next, I tried to convert his solo greatest hits album All The Best. Oh no. First, the tape is a long player, so 90 minute instead of 60. Old, so the playback draaaaaaaaaged. No one wants to hear "Baaaaaaand on the Rrrrrrrrrun...!" at super slow warp speed. 

I moved on to J. Geils Band greatest hits. Screechy, tinny, noisy. Sigh. 

I still have some rarities, so I will continue to revisit the old school format, and figure if they are worth saving or worth free cycling to someone who still has and loves their cassette deck. 

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