Monday, February 28, 2022

For INT 310, this is the home of my Creativity Portfolio


But I have to go to the cottage, it's for school!

So the last class towards my Leadership degree starts right here, right now. But I think this blog has been a creativity portfolio since I first started it. I welcome my classmates and Dr. Ripple to read further back if they want to learn entirely too much about cottage renovations, figure skating, John Deacon/Queen/The Beatles, thrift store finds, contemplation of life choices, bars from the 1970s, baseball, and food. 

One of the first assignments is an observation experiential project, and the assignment I'm choosing: find a particular place in nature and visit it for 30 minutes at least three times a week. Identify particular sounds, colors, and/or smells. I think chronicling life by the Muskegon River will be a welcome project, especially if the ice is starting to break up. Looks like I'm taking my little laptop back up north this weekend. 

I also need to figure out what kind of creative I am, set some goals, and work on a creativity portfolio which, oh look where we are! I don't see why this wouldn't count! 

I'm looking forward to this class of all the classes I've taken towards this goal. There's going to be a lot of work, but it's cheerful work doing stuff I love. At least some of my classmates will learn how to repair a bowling pin lamp. 

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