Wednesday, March 2, 2022

INT 310: Warmup Exercise, The Like List

Tom T. Hall looks like he could tell you some stories

This first exercise has the old Tom T. Hall song I Love going through my head. It's a pleasant old country song that makes me think of my dad, who has been gone now nearly 10 years.  While I don't particularly love Tom T. Hall, or country music, a quick review of his bio reveals he also wrote Harper Valley PTA and I Like Beer. He and his wife Dixie were honored by the Society for the Preservation of Bluegrass Music of America for being songwriter of the year 12 times, the last bing 2015. His accomplishments in the genre is extensive, deep, and rich. He passed away last year at the age of 85.

That was an interesting fall down a rabbit hole. This is something I do quite often, which I think will be beneficial to this class. 

So the first exercise is The Like List. I'm freezing a little on this, since what I like today I may tire of tomorrow. My favorite Beatles songs are not the same month to month: after a bad breakup, wept like only a teenage girl could listening to "For No One" from Revolver every day for a month until I had no tears left to cry.  One year I listened to "Long, Long, Long" from the White Album once a day, every day, for three whole months. 

Lord, there I went again. Let's get to it. 

List a place I'd like to visit: I'd really like to be at our cottage right now. I'll be exploring what's to love there as part of my first project. 

Will I carry on about my retro-crush on John Deacon from Queen? Yes I will. 

List a few songs I enjoy: Side 2 of Abbey Road, The Beatles. She Makes Me and Get Down Make Love, Queen. And because it gave me a spark of joy today, Heartbreaker/Living Loving Maid, Led Zeppelin. 

List some food I enjoy eating: oranges, grapefruit, citrus in general. I miss my grandmother's cole slaw. A juicy steak. A saucy bowl of spaghetti. 

List a country I'd like to travel to in the future: France. Poland. Puerto Rico. Brazil. Australia. 

List my favorite fabric: a light cotton that drapes, but doesn't cling. Flannel. I love a good fake fur blanket.

Almost too pretty to eat

List my favorite smell: I'm coming back to citrus. A Mr. Lincoln rose. Lavender. Early spring when the earth is waking up from winter. 

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