Sunday, March 27, 2022

INT 310: What's Right in the World: Buy Nothing, Freecycle Sites

Do I go for it?

I have too much stuff, yet I like to get new stuff. What I don't like is throwing away stuff or contributing to the problem of our ever expanding landfill issue. So I like to give stuff away. 

So I belong to a freecycle site here in my community. 

What's right about it is others' generosity. The effort it takes to post items to the facebook group, then packaged it up for people to pick up. 

I first started freecycling back when my son was a baby and I was underemployed. It really helped out when I needed a exersaucer or containers for homemade baby food. And the mini food processor to make said baby food!

The givers and receivers come from all walks of life, and truly some of the kindest people you would encounter. If they had a sandwich and you were hungry, they'd give you half. Searching the posts, there are indeed people posting full canisters of baby formula, food truck information, and extra tomatoes from their garden. 

Wondering if documenting the process of freecycling would be a good second project for class. It's sustainable. It's creative, the way people post sets of items and ways for people to pick up. Results are trackable. 

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