Monday, May 23, 2022

RBR - How Many More Times?

Look how optimistic we were.

Pride goeth before the yogurt.

We tried to be cheerful, but we were hot and irritated.

So I did my 10th River Bank Run, many past races have been chronicled here. This one was the worst. I will first ‘fess up to a lack of training, thinking my elliptical work and skating would see me through.

I thought wrong.

It was the hottest RBR on record, with crazy humidity to boot. And because of covid, my first in-person race in over two years. My last one was the combined in Detroit in 2019. I forgot how hard the pavement is. 

I’ve been also dealing with a clicky knee and a weird issue with my big toe. What the hell this time? Nothing new, it ended up being an internally rotated hip, again. 

I’m dealing with a certain level of dispiritedness. How many times do I have to work on this chronic hip issue? It’s affecting skating, running, and my general level of activity.

The chiropractor shrugged and said he could adjust me, but maybe it’s time for another bout of physical therapy. 

So here I am, again, wondering if I’m making excuses, or just too stupidly determined to see a version of myself that doesn’t exist as I drag myself by my one good leg, pretty close to last place, across the finish line. I don’t see that as healthy either. 

Kind of a bummer post, I’ll try to make it more cheerful if I can. I’m astonished at the number of people being kind and encouraging as I pouted through my “I sucked!” posts on social media. First or last, nobody seemed to care, just applaud that I did it. 

At the expo, organizers were handing out the unclaimed 2020 medals for free. Lady recognized me, gave me the set, and told me to earn them virtually. Since I had already earned the 5k virtually in 2020, I passed that one on. I earned the 25k medal in spin class to get back in the saddle, and wrote the date and time on the back with a sharpie. 10k to go…

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