Friday, May 27, 2022

A New Chapter: While My Guitar Gently Weeps

Is this the new door that opens?

Dave has been taking Will to his trumpet practice the last few months but encouraged me to take him last night. I'm just so amazed at his growth and his love for his instrument. 

While I was listening to him, I was also listening to the guitar teacher instructing a student while sitting on the couch outside his room. Lots of Beatles and Bob Seger. I contemplated my own guitar playing. When the instructor exited his office, I offhandedly said "I supposed I should tell you I'm a little too scared to talk to you about lessons for myself." He responded he was there when I was ready. I replied that my problem is I haven't had regular lessons in 40 years and I have small hands. He said he can work with that and wished me a good night. 

So I checked out his website and that is EXACTLY what he does. 

On the way home, Will encouraged me to explore taking lessons at his space. I was avoiding that so I wasn't cramping his style, this is his space, not mine. But he doesn't mind sharing. We passed a runner on the bridge, and I said something about retiring from participating in racing. His response was that it left more time for me to play guitar. 

When we got home, I cut my nails and then played Beatles songs for about an hour. A half-hour a week would cost $100 a month, which is considerably less than what the School of Rock would charge, but that's still $100 I would have to find in the budget. 

New challenges without competition, but what about goals? So many of my goals have been with performance in mind - an A in a class, a perfect grade on a paper, a medal, and a new personal best. What are we even talking about with guitar? 

Things to think about. 

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