Friday, June 30, 2023

Typing Out Loud: Don't Dream It's Over

The adrenaline hit resulted in this joy. It didn't last long. 

Is this the last locker room selfie? 

It is not uncommon in my sport to fall down and go boom. The celebration of resilience in figure skating is called the "Get Up" campaign after all. 

But what happens when you get up and have to force yourself to keep getting up? 

I fell last Monday doing a salchow. It's the worst fall I've ever taken, I took the brunt on my bad hip and it resonated all the way through my body. Even today, 11 days later, I'm in pain and I've been to the chiropractor four times this week. FOUR. I'm grateful I didn't break something. 

I went from thinking I could get the gold, to settling for silver, to grateful that I got my skates on at all. 

Being laid up, sleeping on ice packs, the constant need to rest or rehab or walk or find my mojo... again and again and again. Is it time to hang them up? 

I've been told age is nothing but a number, and I get that but my hip is telling me "Girl! what more do you want from us?" Honestly, I'm worried about being able to walk at the age of 80. 

This is my sobering reality. I have decisions to make. And by looking at my Facebook history and even the posts I've made here, perhaps a decision that is long overdue. 

I love competing and the resulting medals, but that's only about two minutes of my life. I need to be able to walk for the rest of the week. 

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