Saturday, July 1, 2023

July Song: Crowning of Rose Queen

Goal: write a song a month, with the resolve to not self-edit or worry if it’s crap. This is the title song of my fake album that I created in February about the burden of being a beauty queen and being upstaged. Again, going to dip into the Courtney Love vibe, she certainly battled her "wanting to be pretty" demon. 

Happy anniversary to the Woolton Rose Queen, whose July 1957 coronation coincided with rock music's Big Bang, when Paul McCartney met John Lennon. We have a new host daughter coming, whose social media nickname is Rose Queen, which has me curious. I started writing this in January when we didn't even know about her. What's the story there? 

Crown of petals and a serene smile,

She's the prettiest girl by a country mile. 

She floats by in a beautiful cage,

Her style and grace is all the rage. 

The hair is curled but not too tight, 

Practicing poise with all her might.

Every emotion on a high wire, 

If you were to ask, she'll say she's tired. 

Desperate to be beautiful,

"But why," she whispers to herself.

Why are so many girls keen,

To be crowned the Rose Queen? 

Noisy boys in plaid shirts, 

Desperate to look up her skirt. 

About to cause a revolution, 

But is ruining her moment the solution? 

A hard July day turned into night, 

Her own mania to fight.

Fleeting fame, for a moment it seemed,

The crowning of a Rose Queen.

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