Friday, August 16, 2024

The Beatles, Ranked! 16-20

It's a dirty story of a dirty man... 

Helter Skelter (64) 
I drive a lot of places to get to where I need to be for skating, be it practice, competitions, or test sessions. Often, I need a pick-me-up to get me in the mood to not only enjoy a long drive but also get in the mood to judge lots of little children performing to Disney songs. One such drive had me imagining adult skaters I know performing Theatre on Ice style to selections from the White Album. This one went to my friend Paul, who enthusiastically agreed to the assignment; I think "blisters on mah fingers" sealed the deal. 

Please Please Me
 (87) Their first number-one hit. It was inspired by Roy Orbison - George's future Wilbury brother - and the double meaning of the word please. This is one of those songs that proves what they insisted about the group being four equal corners - the joy is in John's harmonica, Ringo's impeccable drumming hitting all the right spots, George's riffs, and Paul's harmonies as well as screwing up the lyrics, all lending distinctive charm. 

I Want You (She's So Heavy)
 (58) I came to my enthusiasm for this love song to Yoko driving to another test session. I was struck by the fact we went from Please Please Me to this mesmerizing piece of hard rock in what, seven years? Get your groove on, Ocean Child. Shout out to one of the many fifth Beatles, Billy Preston on organ. 

Gratuitous John Deacon mention: Imagine getting the afternoon paper delivered by this kid

Paperback Writer (25)
It makes my heart happy to know that this song was a catalyst for John Deacon to take a paper route at age 11 to buy a guitar (his first instrument) and become the quiet, prolific, funky member of Queen.

It's Only Love, Anthology 2 version
 (74) John dismisses it as filler, but I'm here to defend it, again, on my blog, for probably the fifth time. It is his classic wistful, melancholy with a simple acoustic guitar, and a mistake on the count in I find very charming. But top 20? My reasoning is that it triggered creativity in me. Long ago, I wrote a short story about shy Bernadette meeting reserved Colin and they go on a date that takes them to a bookstore to watch an acoustic set and then to a playground where they shyly kiss on the swings. Ah, the magic of YT fiction, the simple story of a simple girl... 

Sirius/XM did their annual Top 100 countdown over Memorial Day weekend. A number in parenthesis is that song's position on that countdown.

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