Tuesday, October 1, 2024

Best Meal I Ever Ate, Candy

Going for broke

One treat that stands out from my childhood was from a day's shopping at the Briarwood Mall in Ann Arbor. We always parked at a certain entrance by Hudsons (now Macy's), which was right by the candy counter. We were promised that if we behaved, we would get a treat on the way out. 

With the promise of sugar, we were angels. I also remember getting the hardcover edition of The First Four Years on this trip. Books and sugar are a siren's call still, some 46 years later. 

When presented with a Willy Wonka array of choices, my mind boggled. Chocolate bar? Bag of cotton candy? Roasted nut goodies? Fistful of penny treats? 

One treat only, my father reminded us. 

I wanted big. I wanted color. I wanted to savor this treat as long as possible. 

I chose a day-long sucker the size of my head that required a wooden dowel instead of an ordinary paper stick. I had it so long, I think my mother insisted on throwing it away after leisurely licking away for weeks. I think I finally got it down to a crescent moon shape before tiring of it and letting it go. 

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