Tuesday, April 2, 2013

April Playlist: MJ!

MJ gettin' fierce.

I was in a minority in the 80s as I did not buy into the mass hysteria that was Thriller. When something is too overhyped, I have a tendancy to reject it until I can absorb it and base an opinion on its own merits. Since the hype machine for MJ was never off, I'm afraid I listened but never embraced.

What I do embrace, however, is a post- Off the Wall, pre- Thriller Rolling Stone interview done with him while hanging out with Janet. A child star growing into adulthood, MJ had a fascination with PT Barnum, the master of bullshit. In turn, I believe Michael embraced the smoke and mirrors of the turn of the century carnival barkers, wholly amused by the bullshit surrounding him.

Until, of course, he started believing the bullshit himself.

Nonetheless, the man created an impressive body of work that blended soul, pop and rock into something amazing. And while we as a society still roll our eyes at Bubbles the monkey, the bed chamber, the scandals and the headlines, at its core is the music, and that is all that matters.

Wanna pinch those cheeks!

I Want You Back: Michael started performing before the age of 8 in clubs with his brothers, imitating the dance moves of James Brown. Dang.

Shake Your Body (Down to the Ground): Jacksons do disco.

Don't Stop Til You Get Enough: Grooving in the Jodis' van on a 6th grade field trip to go bowling. That is so 1980 in Jackson. And that's Janet playing the bottles!

Rock with You: the video is laughable compared to what comes after, but him in his sequinned moon boots and pinstriped suit is a special kind of awesome.

Off the Wall: that distinctive little hiccup, somewhere between an "ah" and a "yeah".

She's Out of My Life: probably my favorite MJ vocal ever.

Wanna Be Startin' Somethin': great opener to Thriller.

Thriller: era-defining video and dance moves. We all tried them. One of the rich kids in school had the jacket.

Human Nature: a companion piece to She's Out of My Life, I think of these as parts one and two.

The Way You Make Me Feel: pure pop, a great big piece of joyful noise.

Dirty Diana: the long hair, the heavy metal guitar. Was it about the supreme Supreme or the Princess of Wales? Who cares, rock on.

Leave Me Alone: Michael's first middle finger to the media machine. The video is hilarious.

Jam: I can't explain why I like it, I just do.

Black or White: master's thesis on pure pop.

Scream: another eff you to the media, this time with a hard rock edge and Janet in silver pants and breasts that are downright dangerous.

They Don't Care About Us: angry MJ is a good MJ.

Smile: knowing a little of his history, this melancholy version of Chaplin is appropriate.

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