Friday, October 15, 2021

LHOTR - I was expecting creepier

What was I expecting, Tales from the Crypt?

While staycationing at the little house, I braved ducking my head down into the crawl space under the house, and was relieved to see it was relatively clean down there. Dave asked if I was willing to go down under, and immediately my skin crawled and I said no way.

Fast forward to this past weekend. I had already baked the apple crumble and Will starts bugging me to go under the house. He has recently developed a taste for the creepy and was eager to see if our mini basement was creepy as well. Ok then...

I got the crawl space ladder out, put my shoes on, and we debated who would go down first. Suddenly, Will is a chicken. Fine, I'll go. It was a matter of taking a step and a half, and I was down there, my head poking above the trap door. I crouch to explore. 

It was damp but dry. Because it was late afternoon, the sun was starting to stream into the windows, so while I needed a flashlight, I could see all four corners pretty clearly. Outside of a spider web, a rake, and a couple of extra pipes, there was absolutely nothing down there. I mean, nothing. The height was, at best, 3 feet, and I had to crouch the entire time. Will simply crawled around looking for some amazing discovery. There was none. 

The space is too low and the trap door too small to use the space to store things like the deck chairs. I have plans to maybe get some storage shelves and some air-tight, water proof containers so i won't have to lug things like Christmas decorations back and forth, but then again, I'm thinking I'd rather not have to crawl down there when it's 3 degrees outside. And crawl I will have to do. Knowing we have the space in case we need it is nice, but maybe I will hold off on those plans until after Christmas, when the stuff is there. 

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