Saturday, October 30, 2021

Reclaiming My Mojo, version 8.1

It’s Halloween time, so why not two Catwomen in a row?

The worst part of the pandemic for me has been my skating identity crisis. Last year, I went months without skating, then even longer without a lesson. This year hasn't been much better. Add that to the "is it all worth it?" drama I put myself through in June and breaking in new boots. 

Thankfully, competing the Detroit one miler really gave me a new lease on joy - do it because you want to! 

And that really pulled my head into a new mind space in skating. 

I'm still not getting lessons, so I'm not improving in move or dance. The skills I can do I have been able to do for years. I've been mapping out my own programs for a while now, and Michelle comes in to clean up what doesn't make sense later on. 

So what would make me happy? 

Last time I skated with the girls, I was playing around with elements I haven't done in a while, like a half toe walley and a mazurka. Next thing I knew, I cobbled together a choreographed step sequence. 

I pulled out my dusty list of songs I've wanted to skate to but never have. One was The Girl That I Knew Somewhere by The Monkees. In all my time skating, I think I've only ever seen one person skate to them. Lob off the last 20 seconds, and I have a silver free skate. 

I know, back in July I swore I wouldn't do another free skate since it wasn't working for me competitively. And honestly, with all the adult competitions on hiatus, I don't know the next time I will compete. This one is just for the love of skating. 

The swim dress - an adult skater secret weapon

So what's in it? 

Opening pose inspired by Julie Newmar as April Conquest from an episode of the show. Start with the ten fox solo dance steps to the three turn, then I do a flip/toe. 

After combo, I stepped forward into an inside spread eagle, then do a layback. 

After the spin, I do the silver MIF eight-step mohawk sequence to the left into a salchow. 

After the sal comes the choreo steps: chasse - choctaw - toe turn pirouette - left outside 3 turn - half toe walley - left foot glide - right outside three to toe turns - left power three - two step cross wide - rocker - cross under - step forward - mohawk. 

Steps into lutz. 

Step forward to right inside spiral, toe loop. 

Back spiral, mohawk to salchow/loop. 

Glide to step up combo spin, which will include a sit spin and back corkscrew to finish. 

It's fun, it's fast, it's a challenge. There's stuff that is not in my comfort zone, but that and music means I'm rocking something new and fresh, even at 52 years old. And I'm back in a happy place skating-wise. 

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