Thursday, July 25, 2024

Typing Out Loud: Cereal Prizes in 2025


For some reason this morning, I had a flashback to my childhood ambition of what I wanted to be when I grew up. I listed with pride in my Communion preparation book that I wanted to work at McDonalds!

High aspirations there. 

I also printed carefully in said workbook that I also wanted to create the prizes that went in cereal boxes. 

Ah, the ambitions of youth. 

So I thought it would be a fun goal for 2025 and fulfill my childhood dream of creating a cereal box prize! 

But more goes into it then just creating a plastic thingamabob that will entertain for the five minutes it takes to finish a bowl of Sugar Smacks. And that's where my training in marketing comes into play. 

Who's my cereal company? Will I create a fictitious cereal brand or pick an existing one? And who is the audience for this? Part one!
And prizes are usually created to promote something - a movie, an event, or an idea. Thus researching and coming up with a theme will be part two of this exercise! 

I know from growing up that it was never about ONE prize - there was always a "collect them all!" promotion that kept mom buying more than one box of cereal so we could get all the prizes or enough to satisfy all of us getting our turn to claim the premium. And there's a vast number of freebies within that idea - stickers, puzzle books, paint with water, magnets, and plastic toys were all part of the giveaway. Even free music evolved from plastic 45s on the back of the box to codes to download songs. Do I want to 3-D model plastic toys or create an array? Part three!

Part four will be execution, actually creating the prizes. This is where the fun comes in. I know I have the skills to design stickers, puzzle books, and magnets, but what about an actual 3-D toy? With the availability of 3-D printers, can I do it? 

Oh, the things I make up to keep my brain engaged... 

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