Monday, June 1, 2020

The Lion Bar - evolved...?

Who's a kitty?!

What was The Continental Hotel is now The Westin. What was The Lion Bar is now The Grill on the Alley. That's my best guess, the address is correct.

Internet is quiet on this one, pretty sure this was more of a repast for the hungry, thirsty traveller then solidly a great bar. Or the writer got lazy. Or this was one of the Playboy conglomerates.

Outrageous price for a continental breakfast, but you are on the Magnificent Mile, and a mere donut won't do.

Flipping through the online menu reveals nothing but expensive, mouth-watering selections. Because of COVID, restricted to a to-go menu, so no way to see what the cocktail menu looks like.

  • 1 oz. amaretto liqueur
  • 1/2 oz. triple sec
  • 1 oz. whipping cream
Pour everything into a blender, then pour into cocktail glass.

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