Tuesday, June 2, 2020

Marina Bay Club - closed

Just because I practiced typing maraschino

Using the address in the back of the book, google maps parks me in the middle of an intersection.

Typing in “Marina Bay, Fort Lauderdale” provides me with an array of generic places for buying boat stuff, docking boats, and servicing boats.

Then, there's Trip Advisor to the rescue.

A post from Kenny, from 10 years ago:
Any male over the age of 50 reading this has to remember The Marina Bay Club from the 70s if you lived in Broward County. The private club was a buffet of ladies on the rebound who were the original party animals of the 70s/80s. We were there for only one reason and everyone knew the game. It was GREAT! There will never be another club like this. Just thinking about it brings a smile to my face. It's gone now but you can't erase the memories and the stories we still share about that joint.

From Lulu: 
My John and I were laughing just now about how apt that buffet analogy was- he was one who chose from that buffet as well from time to time- but as he puts it “Lulu was never on the rebound- just temporarily between guys..” till of course he took me off the market! We had lots of fun at Marina Bay! I loved their food too!

And sadly, April: 
Unfortunately, that is what it is - a memory of lost youth.

Remember the good times, good people. 

Marina Bay's Knuckle Punch
  • 3/4 oz. brandy
  • 3/4 oz. vodka
  • 1/2 oz. triple sec
  • 1/2 oz. white creme de menthe (edit: creme de menthe was big in the 70s)
  • 5 1/2 oz. sweet and sour mix
  • 1 maraschino cherry
Pour everything but the cherry over ice in a 12 oz. glass. Stir slightly. Garnish with a cherry. 

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