Saturday, December 30, 2023

December Playlist: Head Over Heels, the Misheard Lyrics

Such a serious band, a humorous video was a big departure for them.


Shoulda been my first clue. 

I am a sucker for a man in jeans and a leather jacket. So hot. Nice 80s mullet too.


I had a very nice moment with Pia in the car while leaving the hockey tournament. Unable to get German pop music off YouTube we opted for 80s at 9. Tears for Fears “Head Over Heels” was playing and she and I sang along, much to my amazement. 

Pleased, I decided to play it on YouTube today, and reading the comments, I scroll past the lyrics: it’s hard to be a man with a gun in your hand.


I always thought it was: it’s hard to be a man with a GIRL in your HEAD.

If I were to include this song in my new “just one line” feature, I’d totally have it wrong because that was my favorite line. 

My heart still wants it to be my way, yet I can verify from the Lyrics Genius app that I’m wrong. 

Random love to keyboardist Ian Stanley, wherever you are. So hot. 

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