Sunday, April 24, 2022

School of Rock pictorial

School of Rock opened here in Grand Rapids and since I completed the leadership cert at GV, I still had learnin' on my mind. Why not see if I could be an aging rock star?


Yeah, I was nervous. I was one of two adults taking the tour. Rest were a bunch of kids.

Guitar and skates in the back seat, passions intermingling. 

I had my first lesson in 40 years - I learned Satisfaction and discovered I was gripping the neck wrong. It's ok to move the thumb under the neck, not grip it like, well... 

Tour included looking at all the spaces to jam. Each studio is named for a famous venue.

“Explore the studio space…”

Every rock star should have a style that is their own. Mine involves Aquarella Tieks and a custom designed John Deacon t-shirt. 

Yikes. I have some decisions to make.

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